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    Title: 神經網路的可控制穩健性訓練研究
    Controllable Robustness Training
    Authors: 胡育騏
    Hu, Yu-Chi
    Contributors: 郁方
    Yu, Fang
    Hu, Yu-Chi
    Keywords: 抽象解釋
    Abstract interpretation
    Adversarial training
    Logic rule
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 14:55:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在大數據時代,神經網路技術取得了突破性進展。然而,神經網路的預測準確性和面對外界擾動和攻擊的穩健性成為一個重要的問題。使用對抗樣本或抽象解釋來訓練神經網路提高模型的穩健性可能會導致模型對原始任務的準確性和訓練性能降低。為了在準確性和穩健性之間達到平衡,我們提出了一種可控制的穩健性訓練方法,通過在對抗訓練過程中引入規則來控制神經網路模型。我們將對抗訓練的損失視為對規則的損失,從而將穩健性訓練與原始任務的訓練過程分離。在測試時,透過調整規則的強度,可以平衡模型在學習規則和約束方面的準確性和穩健性。我們證明了控制穩健性訓練的貢獻,可以在神經網路的準確性和穩健性之間達到更好的平衡。
    Neural network techniques allow for the developing of complex systems that are difficult for humans to implement. However, training these networks for robustness using adversarial examples or abstraction interpretation can reduce precision and training performance on the original task prediction. To balance the trade-off between accuracy and robustness, we propose controllable robustness training, where we control neural network models with rule representations in the adversarial training process. The loss on adversarial training can then be considered a loss on the rule, thus separating the robustness training from the original task process. Rule strength can be adjusted at a testing time on its loss ratio, which balances precision and robustness in how the model learns rules and constraints. We demonstrate that controlling the contribution of robustness training achieves a better balance of good performance in both the accuracy and robustness of neural networks.
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