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Title: | 共生到創生:區域生態系的調適歷程 From Coexistence to Co-creation: The Adaptive Process of Regional Ecosystems |
Authors: | 陳懿軒 Chen, Yi-Syuan |
Contributors: | 蕭瑞麟 Hsiao, Ruey-Lin 陳懿軒 Chen, Yi-Syuan |
Keywords: | 生態系 永續發展 組織識別 組織印象 利害關係人 Ecosystem Sustainability development Organization identification Organization image Stakeholder |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 14:51:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 生態系的願景是讓成員共榮,但考量各成員利益,要達成此目標需化解諸多挑戰。本研究探討生態系建構的過程,分析不同階段的挑戰及統籌者的回應方式。雖然目前文獻強調生態系的構成與成員的互動,但是比較少考量統籌者的角色。透過瞭解組織調適過程,本研究分析統籌者與利害關係人之間的互動,並且藉由這樣的互動,理解組織識別與組織印象之間的衝擊如何促成統籌者的調適行動。本文以臺灣水泥為案例,分析該企業在花蓮和平工業區發展過程中所遭遇到的在地抗爭,並追溯發展的五個階段。由調適的視角,本文分析臺灣水泥在每個階段如何回應利害關係人的挑戰,以逐步取得當地的信任。在理論貢獻上,本研究解釋組織識別如何引導維護行動,造成對利害關係人的衝擊。該衝擊又如何形成利害關係人對統籌者的組織印象,而正面或負面的印象如何促成統籌者的反思,進一步調整其修補的行動。在實務啟發上,本研究提出生態系的經營必須要擁抱因地制宜的思維。治標不治本的補償做法效果有限,師心自用的永續方案難以獲得認可。企業必須時常關注自己在利害關係人眼中的形象,反思自身的做法,才能資源投入在最恰當之處,讓企業與地方共榮,也讓生態系得以永續發展。 This research explores the development process of ecosystem construction and analyzes the challenges facing at different stages. Although the current literature emphasizes the composition of ecosystem and the interaction of players, it pays insufficient attention to the role of ecosystem’s orchestrator. By tracing the organization adaptive process, this study examines the interaction between orchestrator and stakeholders. Through such interaction, it explains how the adaptive action leads to the formation of organization image on its impact on identity. This article examines Taiwan Cement Corporation as a case study to analyze the local struggle encountered by the company in the process of operating in Hualien Hoping industrial park, trace the five stages of development. From the adaption perspective this paper analyzes how the firm respond to the challenges of stakeholder at each stage and gradually gain local trust. Theoretically, this study contributes to how organization identity may guide maintenance action and how it would impact on stakeholders. Moreover, it explains how such impact shapes the stakeholder’s perception of the orchestrator. We also need to explore when the image is formed, whether it is good or bad, would lead to the orchestrator’s reflection and eventually adjust its repair actions. So practical implication this study proposes that the management of ecosystem must embrace the logics of localization. One-off compensation is not desirable, and opinionated solutions for sustainability are not sensible. Enterprises should be vigilant against their impression in the eyes of stakeholders by reflecting on their own sustainability practices, so that resources can be invested in the most appropriate areas, enterprises may thrive with the local, and sustainable ecology can be invested in the most appropriate place. Therefore, enterprises and places can prosper together, and ecosystem can be sustained. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 110364126 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110364126 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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