題名: | 無聲勝有聲:循環經濟下的場景創新策略 -以W春池計畫為例 Servicescape as a Performation: A Strategy for Circular Economy Enterprise Transformation |
作者: | 黃韵軒 |
貢獻者: | 吳思華 黃韵軒 |
關鍵詞: | 循環經濟 生態系 服務場景 主導邏輯 製造服務化 circular economy ecosystem servicescape dominant logic servitization |
日期: | 2023 |
上傳時間: | 2023-09-01 14:50:47 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 台灣地狹人稠、天然資源有限,發展循環經濟模式有助於廢棄資源重獲新生、減少垃圾污染,同時也讓我國對於進口物料的依賴度下降。因此,近年政府積極鼓勵循環經濟企業發展。然而,消費者對於循環經濟商品的接受過程有許多阻礙,因此循環經濟企業面對到下游需求量有限的問題。本研究以春池玻璃所推動的W春池計畫為例,透過詮釋型質化分析進行個案研究,建構「循環經濟的服務場景創新模式」。研究發現有四:第一、生態系價值主張抽取自循環經濟企業核心理念;第二、服務場景核心構念來自生態系價值主張;第三、場景設計元素是服務場景核心構念的具象化;第四、服務場景複製使生態系價值主張豐富化。本研究基於此發現,連結生態系文獻與服務場景文獻,並對於綠色價值產品消費文獻提出促進消費的具體作法。並對於循環經濟企業走向服務化提出實用的實務意涵。 Taiwan is a small, densely populated nation, with limited natural resources. The development of circular economy model had been expected to regenerate waste resources and reduce pollution. As a consequence, it will also reduce our country`s dependence on imported materials. Therefore, in recent years, the government has actively encouraged the development of circular economy enterprises. However, there are barriers between consumers and commodities of circular economy, so circular economy enterprises face the problem of limited demand. This study takes W Spring Pool Project promoted by Spring Pool Glass as an example, conducts a case study through interpretive qualitative analysis, and constructs an "Innovative Model of Servicescape for Circular Economy". This study proposes four findings. Firstly, the value proposition of ecosystem is extracted from the core concept of circular economy enterprises. Secondly, the core concept of the Servicescape comes from the value proposition of the ecosystem. Thirdly, the elements of the Servicescape are the concretization of the core concept of the Servicescape. Fourthly, the duplication of Servicescape enriches the value proposition of the ecosystem. Based on these findings, this study connects the ecosystem literature and the service scene literature, and proposes specific practices to promote consumption for the green value product consumption literature. And it puts practical implications for circular economy enterprises to move towards service. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 110364101 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110364101 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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