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Title: | 從媒體到公關之職涯發展:自我民族誌的探索 Career Development from Media to Public Relations:An Exploration of Autoethnography |
Authors: | 朱詠薇 Chu, Yung-Wei |
Contributors: | 江明修 朱詠薇 Chu, Yung-Wei |
Keywords: | 自我民族誌 質性研究 第五項修練 馬斯洛 跨界人 媒體 公關 轉職 self-ethnography qualitative research the fifth discipline Maslow cross-disciplinary individuals media public relations career transition |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 14:45:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我的職涯能概分為二,上半場在媒體前線體驗人生百態,下半場轉戰企業歷練,如今以公關人角色於學校服務。除了工作領域的轉變,從媒體到企業再到學校;工作角色經歷了節目執行製作、企劃、新聞記者、主播、主持人、行銷、公關;歲月的積累也使我歷練了人生象限垂直的職務轉變,從被管理者成為中階管理人;人生也走過了青春到資深熟齡的階段,組織了家庭,成為了母親。這一路經歷角色多元轉變,我將以自己為座標,以第一人稱的方式,回顧自己面臨抉擇時的思維與收穫,從中探索自己職涯中不同角色經歷與轉變,在不同組織與社會文化脈絡下的心境與成長。
從自我職涯的轉換經歷不同組織與心境轉折,以彼得.聖吉提出的「系統思考」,即第五項修練,與馬斯洛的需求層次理論覺察和自我探索,透過自傳式自我民族誌,不同於傳統主流的研究方法,以主動揭露自我經歷的敘說,觀照自己發生過的故事到如何型塑現在的自我,也梳理自我各種角色對於社會的意義,剖析轉職的脈絡與影響。分享自身經驗召喚讀者情感,期能讓正面臨轉職選擇或經歷人生職務與角色轉變的讀者,產生對話與溝通,找到共鳴與被理解的力量。 My career can be divided into two phases: the first half was spent experiencing various aspects of life on the frontline of media, while the second half involved transitioning into corporate settings. Currently, I serve as a public relations professional in an academic institution. Alongside the shifts in my professional field, from media to corporate to academia, my roles have encompassed program execution, planning, journalism, broadcasting, hosting, marketing, and public relations. The accumulation of years has also led to vertical career transitions, from being managed to becoming a middle-level manager, as well as transitioning from youth to seasoned adulthood, establishing a family and becoming a mother. Having undergone diverse role transformations, I will retrospectively explore my career experiences and transitions, reflecting on the thoughts and gains that accompanied my decision-making process, while investigating the psychological states and personal growth within different organizational and socio-cultural contexts.
Positioning myself as the focal point, I will employ a first-person narrative approach to review and connect fragments of life, intertwining personal and cultural aspects. Through self-interpretation, transcription, and analysis of literature, complemented by semi-structured interviews, I aim to reconstruct and comprehend the "self." By delving into the transformative journey of my own career and the shifts in organizational and psychological landscapes, I will incorporate Peter Senge`s concept of "systems thinking" as the fifth discipline and Maslow`s hierarchy of needs theory for self-awareness and exploration. Employing an autobiographical self-ethnographic approach, distinct from traditional mainstream research methods, I will actively disclose and narrate my own experiences to examine the stories that have shaped my present self, as well as to explore the social significance of my various roles and analyze the context and impact of career transitions. By sharing personal experiences, I seek to evoke emotional connections with readers and foster dialogue and understanding among those facing career choices or experiencing role and professional transitions. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 110921011 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110921011 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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