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Title: | 公務機關人力資源有效運用之研究 Research on the Deployment of Human Resources in Public Agencies |
Authors: | 陳美惠 |
Contributors: | 董祥開 陳美惠 |
Keywords: | 績效不佳 考績汰換 定期輪調 Regular rotation Underperforming public servants Performance-based elimination |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 14:44:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年於新聞媒體上常出現批評公務人員「尸位素餐」,充滿對於公務人員工作績效低落之批評聲浪,甚而連「禽獸食祿」的辭句都被引用於針貶公務人員。公務人員是經過嚴謹考試制度,一路過關斬將進入公務體系,最後卻被批評至此,因此,思考公務人員績效提升的可能性,及提升的方法至關重要。 本研究以連續3年年終考績乙等的公務人員為研究對象,運用文獻探討整理建立起研究架構,透過與研究對象的單位主管、人事主管進行深度訪談,加以分析績效不佳公務人員的樣態、對於個人與機關的影響、遭遇的困境、從選才、用才、育才、留才等各面向討論可行的解決方案,並就定期輪調、教育訓練、考績汰換、協助轉業、運用預備文官團、增加口試或人格測驗等方法,探討解決績效不佳公務人員的可能性。 本研究發現績效不佳的定義,為同一機關考績連續3年乙等以下人員;績效不佳公務人員的行為樣態,與學者歸類相近;預擬之改善方法,有機會能達到效果;個人意願的高低是改善績效的關鍵等。並對於績效不佳公務人員、組織及公部門績效制度提出建議。 Recently, there has been a prevalent wave of criticism towards public servants in the media, with accusations of their underperforming work and even derogatory phrases such as " enjoy the emolument of office without merit " and "beasts feeding on salaries" being used to denigrate them. Public servants undergo a rigorous examination system and successfully navigate their way into public service but are now subject to such criticism. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the potential for enhancing the performance of public servants and the methods for achieving improvement. This study focuses on public servants who have received below-average annual performance ratings (Grade B or below) for three consecutive years. By conducting a literature review and establishing a research framework, the study utilizes in-depth interviews with supervisors and human resource managers of the selected public servants to analyze their patterns of underperformance, their impact on individuals and organizations, the challenges they face, and discuss viable solutions from various perspectives, including talent selection, utilization, development, and retention. The study proposes methods such as regular rotation, education and training programs, performance-based elimination, assistance in career transition, utilization of reserve civil servants, and the inclusion of oral interviews or personality assessments to address the issue of underperforming public servants. The study also finds that underperformance can be defined as fore mentioned performance ratings. The identified patterns of underperforming public servants align with classifications made by scholars. The proposed improvement methods have the potential to be effective, and the willingness of individuals to improve plays a key role. Recommendations are provided for underperforming public servants, organizations, systems, and performance evaluations in the public sector. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 109921028 |
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