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Title: | 新能源政策執行之可行性分析- 以新北市政府汐止區實施LED燈具節能減碳為例 Feasibility analysis of new energy policy implementation - Energy saving of LED lamps and carbon reduction in Xizhi District of New Taipei City Government |
Authors: | 林苒苒 JAN, LIN JAN |
Contributors: | 詹中原 Jan, Chung-Yuang 林苒苒 LIN JAN JAN |
Keywords: | 氣候變遷 節能減碳 永續發展目標 減碳政策工具 低碳城市 Climate Change Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction SDGs Carbon Reduction Policy Tools Low-Carbon City |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 14:42:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 氣候變遷是全球面臨的一大挑戰,當前全球氣候變遷的趨勢更引起「節能減碳」的高度重視,各國積極推行以高效能、低排放為基礎的「低碳經濟」,鼓勵「低碳技術」的發展,並大幅調整產業、能源、技術和貿易政策。台灣2050年淨零轉型是指在2050年前,台灣減少溫室氣體排放至零並實現環保、永續發展的目標。SDGs中認為氣候變化的全球挑戰需要全球合作和的努力。目標 13 簡單而言就是促進各國采取行動,重點是降低溫室氣體排放和加強適應能力以應對氣候變化。 本論文以公家機關為節能減碳示範,研究發現大部分縣市皆有能源治理能力,也努力推動節能減碳達成低碳城市之願景,在公家機關部份,中央機關與第一線機關任職事務工作,最大差別是執行者態度與上層主管認同政策推動與否。因公務人員的心態與執行也是執行與推動LED燈具更換的困難點之一。為確實推動節能減碳,建議建立全民相關認知,使台灣每一縣市皆為低碳城市。其未來推動方向可由以下方向加強推動: 1. 採用能源效率高的設備:可採用設備上效率高、節能的設備以降低能源消耗。 2. 調整工作場所辦公模式:減少國內外出差人次,將視訊會議及網路化會議普及。3. 工作場所的節電化。4. 推動環保政策與教育,扭轉能源消耗慣性,降低碳足跡。 Climate change is a major challenge facing the world, and the current global climate change trend has prompted a high degree of attention to“energy conservation and carbon reduction.”Countries are actively promoting a“low-carbon economy”based on high efficiency and low emissions, encouraging the development of“low-carbon technologies,”and making significant adjustments to their industrial, energy, technology, and trade policies. Taiwan`s 2050 net-zero transformation refers to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero and achieving environmental and sustainable development goals by 2050. SDG 13 simply calls for action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen adaptation capabilities to address climate change, emphasizing the need for global cooperation and effort. This article discusses from the perspective of public institutions, demonstrating energy conservation and carbon reduction, and research shows that most counties and cities have energy governance capabilities and strive to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction to achieve the vision of a low-carbon city. In terms of public institutions, the biggest difference between central and front-line institutions is the attitude of the executor and whether the upper-level supervisor recognizes policy promotion. The mindset and execution of civil servants are also one of the difficulties in implementing and promoting the replacement of LED lamps. To effectively promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, it is recommended to establish public awareness so that every county and city in Taiwan is a low-carbon city. The future direction of promotion can be strengthened from the following directions:1. Using equipment with high energy efficiency: Equipment with high efficiency and energy-saving can be used to reduce energy consumption. 2. Adjust the office mode of the workplace: Reduce domestic and international travel, and popularize video conferences and network conferences. 3. Electrification of the workplace.4. Promote environmental policies and education, reverse the inertia of energy consumption, and reduce carbon footprint. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 105921054 |
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