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Title: | 地主與建設公司合建之租稅規劃 Tax Planning of Joint Construction by Landlords and Construction Companies |
Authors: | 唐平悦 TANG, PING-YUEH |
Contributors: | 陳明進 Chen, Ming-Chin 唐平悦 TANG, PING-YUEH |
Keywords: | 合建分屋 房地合一所得稅制 租稅規劃 Tax planning Joint construction The House and Land Transactions Income Tax System |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 14:39:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 不動產之價格逐年攀升,政府為抑制房價,落實居住正義。近年不斷修訂不動產課稅規定,但不論是特種貨物及勞務稅條例或房地合一所得稅制 1.0 均未能有效抑制炒房。故政府於民國 110 年實施房地合一所得稅制 2.0,以改正過往稅制之缺失,擴大課稅範圍及拉長閉鎖期間。 不動產稅制之變革,影響地主之租稅負擔甚巨。本研究整理不動產稅制之變革,及合建相關課稅規定,再以案例假設分析實施房地合一所得稅制 2.0 後,地主取得新制土地與建設公司合建分屋,若取得土地來源不同、地主持有身分不同及地主分回房屋後按不同目的使用房屋之租稅負擔差異。本文彙整案例分析之結果,以利地主未來與建設公司合建分屋,不僅可以瞭解稅制之規定,亦可判斷未來何種方式為最符合自身的需求,使地主可以將土地作最有效利用。 研究結果發現如下:(1)地主若以出售為目的,透過個人身分購買土地,與建設公司合建分屋,租稅負擔最低。(2)地主若以自用為目的,透過個人身分繼承土地,與建設公司合建分屋,租稅負擔最有利。(3)地主若以出租為目的,透過法人身分購買土地,與建設公司合建分屋,租稅負擔最低。 As the prices of real estate continue to rise over time, the government has been revising the taxation regulations for real estate in order to curb housing prices and achieve housing justice. However, both the Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax Act and the House and Land Transactions Income Tax System 1.0 have failed to curb speculation in the housing market. Therefore, in 2021, the government implemented the House and Land Transactions Income Tax System 2.0 to address the shortcomings of past tax systems, expand the scope of taxation, and extend the lock-up period. The changes in the real estate taxation system have had a significant impact on the tax burden of landlords. Therefore, this study summarizes the changes in the real estate taxation system and the relevant taxation regulations for joint construction. It also uses hypothetical cases to analyze the differences in the tax burden of landlords who obtain land from different sources, hold different identities, and use the returned housing for different purposes, after the implementation of the House and Land Transactions Income Tax System 2.0. This study will help landlords understand the regulations of the tax system and determine the most suitable method for their own needs in the future, so that they can make the most effective use of their land through jointly-constructed with house divided with construction companies. The research findings are as follows: (1) If landlords aim to sell land, it is most beneficial to purchase the land through personal ownership and engage in joint construction with a construction company to build and divide houses. This approach results in the lowest tax burden. (2) If the purpose is for personal use, it is most advantageous to inherit the land through personal ownership and engage in joint construction with a construction company to build and divide houses. This also leads to a favorable tax burden. (3) If the objective is to rent out the property, it is recommended to purchase the land through a corporate entity and engage in joint construction with a construction company to build and divide houses, as it results in the lowest tax burden. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計學系 109353007 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109353007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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