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    Title: 先行者如何提升創新績效?探索等待選擇的中介影響
    How can early movers improve their innovation performance? Exploring the mediating effects of the option to wait
    Authors: 黃天偉
    Hwang, Tien-Wei
    Contributors: 黃政仁
    Huang, Cheng-Jen
    Hwang, Tien-Wei
    Keywords: 先行者優勢
    Early mover advantage
    Real option theory
    Resource availability
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 14:39:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在技術領域的先進者如何透過有計畫的等待策略提升創新表現。同時,本研究也分析了競爭程度和資源可用性對這個策略的影響。本研究聚焦在企業採取等待策略的決策上,尤其關注來自台灣的專利審查過程中的實體審查請求。這個實體審查請求可見於世界上很多國家,但不包括美國。本研究結果表明,先進者透過有策略地選擇等待,能夠增強創新表現。值得注意的是,先進者在競爭激烈或資源有限的情況更傾向於選擇等待。此外,即使先進者有採取跨足多領域策略的選擇,他們通常仍願意利用等待策略,以提升創新產出。有趣的是,在不確定性較高的產業中,先進者更傾向選擇等待策略。通過建立先行者優勢與實質選擇權理論之間的聯繫,本研究延伸了現有關於先行者策略的文獻。本研究也提供了創新相關資源分配的實用建議,尤其針對參與制定專利佈局策略和建立創新政策的相關人士。
    The objective of this study is to explore how early movers in the technology sector boost their innovation performance by strategically embracing waiting strategies. Concurrently, the study aims to shed light on the influence of competitive market dynamics and the availability of resources on this interplay. To gauge the scope of waiting strategy application, the research zeroes in on the scrutiny of requests for substantive patent application review in Taiwan. This procedural approach is widely employed across various global jurisdictions, except for the United States. The study’s findings spotlight that early movers significantly amplify their innovation performance by strategically employing waiting strategies to a greater extent. Significantly, they showcase a marked inclination to deploy these strategies, particularly within markets characterized by intense competition or resource constraints. Furthermore, a thought-provoking observation emerges when examining the interplay between the breadth of strategic choices and the option to wait- early movers continue to enhance their innovative output by displaying a heightened reliance on waiting strategies. Intriguingly, early movers operating within industries marked by heightened uncertainty exhibit a greater propensity for adopting waiting strategies compared to their counterparts in industries with lower uncertainty levels. This study augments the current body of knowledge by forging a meaningful connection between the early mover advantage and real option theory. It also offers practical insights into effective resource allocation within the dynamic arena of innovation, especially concerning the formulation of patent portfolio strategies and the shaping of policies that steer innovation endeavors.
    Reference: REFERENCE
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