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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/146802
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    Title: 6.1英吋螢幕的行銷活動:探索Z世代顧客參與手機會員APP數位活動
    Marketing Activities in 6.1-inch Screens: Exploring Generation Z Customer Engagement in Mobile Membership Apps
    Authors: 陳子淦
    Chan, Tsz-Kam
    Contributors: 李怡慧
    Lee, Yi-Hui
    Chan, Tsz-Kam
    Keywords: 行動商務
    Mobile membership app
    Customer engagement
    Generation Z
    Qualitative case study
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-16 13:36:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 手機會員App在客戶關係管理中扮演越來越重要的角色,然而,關於它們如何透過數位活動設計影響Z世代(GenZ)顧客的參與,現有研究非常有限。本研究從活動理論的角度出發,探討台灣星巴克的手機會員App如何有效地吸引和管理年輕人的顧客關係。透過質性研究方法,本研究發現了一個由數位活動引導的、動態的、長期的顧客參與過程,受訪的年輕客戶較少獨自參與數位活動,傾向與朋友和家人合作,共同獲得遊戲獎勵,並經由系統性的任務分配,達成他們預設的遊戲目標,這種「獨樂樂不如眾樂樂」的行為,擴大了顧客的使用頻率和參與程度。本研究將過去手機會員App文獻著重的個人價值,延伸至群體價值,為此,提出了一個Z世代手機會員App客戶參與的過程模型,並說明其中數位行銷活動的關鍵要素。這些研究結果可以應用在企業發展和管理手機會員App時,提供更豐富的見解。
    Mobile membership apps are playing a progressively crucial role in customer relationship management; However, research regarding how they impact Generation Z’s (GenZ’s) customer engagement in the digital activities is scant. This study, taken from Activity Theory, discovers how Starbucks Taiwan’s mobile membership app effectively manages the young cohort’s customer affiliation. The research findings have revealed a dynamic process of customer engagement journey, representing young customers’ engagement largely built upon digital gamified activities, where they often work with friends and families collaboratively to gain setting rewards. Their customer engagements are facilitated via sharing the funs of game elements with the motivation of achieving the ultimate goal. A Process Model of GenZ Customer Engagement in Mobile Membership Apps is proposed, outlining the key elements of marketing activities. This research results can be further developed to offer more fruitful insights to elaborate how a mobile memberships app can facilitate businesses to manage the customer relationship of this particular group.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110356049
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