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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/146801
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    Title: 智慧農業整廠輸出的影響:台灣公司整廠輸出到印尼的個案研究
    The Impact of Smart Agricultural Whole Factory Export: A Case Study of Taiwan’s Company Perform to Indonesia
    Authors: 陳志榮
    Tanto, Arif Kurniawan
    Contributors: 蔡瑞煌

    Tsaih, Rua-Huan
    Wang, Shinn-Shyr

    Arif Kurniawan Tanto
    Keywords: 智慧農業
    Smart agriculture
    Whole factory export
    Internet of things
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-16 13:35:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在現今這個時代,技術進步的速度非常快,即時在農業的領域也可以看到先進技術的採用。 物聯網技術即是智慧農業重要之一的部分。 智慧農業中的物聯網感測器使農民能夠監測農作物,蒐集的數據可以分析進而用於預測農作物產量,減少浪費和運營成本,並提高農作物質量和數量。
    農業對於幫助印尼的經濟增長十分重要,因此, 印尼可從其他的國家學到智慧農業的生產,提高農業加工效率並提高農業產量。
    通過文獻回顧得知,整廠輸出事涉雙方(國家/公司)的共同實施。 本研究主要的是談台灣智慧農業整廠輸出到印尼。印尼是全球主要農業的國家之一,需要擴大智慧農業的實施是可從其他的國家學到智慧農業的技術。智慧農業可以推動印尼現代農業的發展和為永續農業目標做出貢獻。
    在全球疫情期間,台灣與印尼簽署合作備忘錄,將台灣智慧農業技術輸出到印尼。以提供台灣的農業物聯網設備、AI模型、無人機應用、農機設備自動化及智能化、數位分身,等等。 台灣智慧農業整廠輸出到印尼可以以提高印尼農產品的品質和產量。在智慧農業整廠輸出過程中涉及到五個重要的方面,包括人、機器、材料、法律、和環境。
    In this modern era, technological advancements are really fast and the adoption of advanced technology can be seen in the agricultural sector. In smart agriculture, Internet of Things technologies can help the farmer to monitor the farm, improve crop quality and yield, and reduce waste and operational costs.
    As we know from the literature review, the whole factory export will involve both parties. This research focuses on the impact of smart agricultural whole factory export from Taiwan to Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the world’s major agricultural countries and needs to expand the implementation of smart agriculture that can be imported from and learned from other countries. Smart agriculture can advance the development of modern agriculture in Indonesia and contribute to sustainable agriculture objectives.
    During the global pandemic, Taiwan and Indonesia signed an MoU of cooperation on the export of Taiwan’s smart agricultural technology to Indonesia. Taiwan’s whole factory export of smart agriculture to Indonesia provides Taiwan’s high-technology agriculture such as IoT devices, AI models, drone applications, automated and intelligent agricultural machinery equipment, digital twins, etc. Taiwan’s whole factory export of smart agriculture to Indonesia can help to increase agricultural productivity and improve the quality of Indonesian agricultural products. The whole factory export of smart agriculture involves five important aspects during its implementation, including people, technology, materials, law, and environment.
    This study discusses the influence of smart agricultural whole factory export and investigates what kind of factors can affect the implementation of smart agricultural whole factory export. The data of the study is gathered by interviewing the CEO of the U-Sync company and the owner of the Taiwan Dragon Digital Farm for a total of 13 questions and organized into the analysis design section.
    There are some aspects that impact the implementation of a smart agricultural whole factory export project, including plant adaptability, partner farm capability, funding issues, and channel arrangement. The impacts of Taiwan’s smart agricultural whole factory export to Indonesia are improving the quality and quantity of dragon fruit, creating a new supply chain ecosystem, and establishing a new marketing channel in Indonesia.
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