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    題名: 企業校園招募活動導入桌上型虛擬實境之Z世代使用意圖與行為分析
    An analysis of user intention and behavior of Gen Z using campus recruiting event websites based on desktop virtual reality
    作者: 鄭伃均
    Cheng, Yu-Chun
    貢獻者: 陳聖智

    Chen, Sheng-Chih
    Tsai, Tzu-Chieh

    Cheng, Yu-Chun
    關鍵詞: 企業招募
    Campus Recruitment
    Desktop Virtual Reality
    Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2)
    Perceived Enjoyment
    Personal Innovativeness in the domain of Technology (PIIT)
    日期: 2023
    上傳時間: 2023-08-02 14:38:16 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 在COVID疫情期間,實體企業校園徵才博覽會轉為線上招募活動逐漸成為主流,而在後疫情時代,先前的數位招募活動經驗更推進了企業開創新型態校園招募行銷方式的基石。許多國內外企業相繼推出不同形式之桌上型虛擬實境校園招募活動,依活動內容屬性可分成四種類別:虛擬企業參訪、虛擬實境企業說明會、虛擬實境招募展覽以及整合型虛擬招募空間。


    During the COVID pandemic, physical on-campus job fairs transformed into online recruitment events, making the on-campus and online hybrid method the main recruiting approach. In the post-pandemic era, previous digital recruitment experience has further propelled companies to explore new forms of campus recruitment events.

    Companies around the world have introduced different forms of desktop virtual reality campus recruitment activities, which can be categorized into four types based on their activity type: virtual company visits, virtual reality company presentations, virtual reality recruitment exhibitions, and integrated virtual recruitment spaces. This study utilizes an extended and modified version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) model as the research framework. The primary objective is to examine the user intentions and behaviors of Generation Z, who are the target audience for corporate campus recruitment activities using desktop virtual reality.

    Due to the lack of prior research on desktop virtual reality campus recruitment activities, the research methodology initially involved interviews with four recruitment and management experts to gather recruitment strategies using SWOT analysis. Additionally, a questionnaire survey based on the modified UTAUT2 model was conducted, collecting 318 valid responses to explore the user intentions and behaviors of Generation Z. Furthermore, five Gen Z respondents were invited for testing and interviews to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying reasons behind their intentions and to analyze their usage behaviors.

    The research made a deeper dive into Gen Z`s expectations for desktop virtual reality recruitment spaces and directions for future improvements. The research findings indicate that the adoption of desktop virtual reality can effectively enhance an employer brand`s image among Gen Z. Furthermore, "Perceived enjoyment" was identified as the key factor influencing Gen Z`s willingness to use these platforms, while their "Personal Innovativeness in the Domain of Information Technology" drives their interest in trying out new recruitment methods.

    In terms of usage behavior, Gen Z considers "convenience" as the most important factor, while "entertainment value" was the most satisfying aspect in terms of interactive experiences. When it comes to expectations and areas for improvement, Gen Z desires a one-on-one tour guide and seeks enhanced freedom of movement during the experience. The incorporation of gamification elements also contributes to increasing the perceived enjoyment and improving usage intentions and experiences.
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