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Title: | 故事要素在國民法官法庭之運用 -以臺灣臺南地方法院111年度第二次國民法官模擬法庭為例 The Application of Storytelling Elements in the Lay Judges` Court -The Second Mock Trial of Lay Judges in Tainan District Court, Taiwan, 111th Year |
Authors: | 李尚宇 Li, Shang-Yu |
Contributors: | 林玲遠 李尚宇 Li, Shang-Yu |
Keywords: | 國民法官法 故事 論述設計 Discuss design Lay Judges Act Story |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:34:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「國民法官法」在2023年1月1日在我國正式施行,這全新制度所帶來的變革,是我國審、檢、辯三方從未經歷過的。為因應將來法庭活動的變革,固有引進外國的「案件理論」作為參考。然除此之外,是否亦能從傳播的角度,找尋得以製造張力、增加對觀眾影響力的方法,來協助檢、辯雙方未來在法庭上的運用?甚至成為偵查檢察官在偵查階段的偵辦指引?本論文之研究目的,即從陪審團相關研究、建立信任感,到如何完成成功演講等面向,歸納出故事對於人的影響力,並在諸多故事要素中,找尋得以在法庭上運用的故事要素,在符合訴訟制度下,嘗試建構一套得以協助檢、辯雙方運用之論述架構,最後再以模擬法庭個案進行研究,並透過專家訪談之方式,驗證論述架構的可行性。 The "Lay Judges Act" has officially taken effect on January 1, 2023. The changes which bring about by this brand-new system have never been experienced by the trial, prosecution, and defense parties in Taiwan. In order to cope with the changes in court activities in the future, it is inherent to introduce foreign " Case Theory " for reference.
In addition to " Case Theory ", whether it is possible to find ways to create tension and increase influence on the audience from the perspective of communication, which can improve the application of the prosecution and defense parties during the court procedure , or even become the investigative prosecutor`s investigation guide during the process of investigation, will be worth discussing issues.
The research purpose of this essay is to summarize the influence of stories on people from jury-related research, building trust, and how to complete a successful speech, and to find the elements of stories that can be used in court among numerous story elements, and to try to construct a set of narrative frameworks that can be used to assist the prosecution and the defense in compliance with the litigation system.
After getting a comprehensive understanding of the relevant concepts, in order to link with the practice , this essay will also exhibit the research result of mock court cases and validate the narrative frameworks by means of expert interviews. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 107941004 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107941004 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [傳播學院碩士在職專班] 學位論文
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