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Title: | 新北市私立托嬰中心主任服務領導、托育人員工作投入與工作幸福感關係之研究 The Study of Relationship among the Private Infant Daycare Center Director’s Servant Leadership, Nursery staff and Caregiver’s Job Involvement and Well-being in New Taipei City |
Authors: | 王家濱 Wang, Chia-Pin |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 Chin, Meng-Chun 王家濱 Wang, Chia-Pin |
Keywords: | 托嬰中心 工作幸福感 工作投入 服務領導 托育人員 托嬰中心主任 Director Child Care Center Work well-being Work Engagement Service Leadership Caregiver |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:33:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘要 本次研究使用透過問卷調查方式已新北市地區私立托嬰中心主任服務領導、托育人員工作投入與工作幸福感之相關密切關係,最後由托嬰中心主任服務領導與托育人員工作投入對工作幸福感進行預測。 本次研究發出台灣新北市地區私立托嬰中心托育人員633份問卷,回收計611份,以台灣新北市地區私立托嬰中心托育人員為主共1150人。隨機抽樣採用一定量比例樣本進行分析,研究結果與分析,歸納結論如下: 一、新北市托育人員知覺中心主任服務領導為中高低標準,以「賦權增能」之感知標準為最高,以「察覺領導」之感知標準最低。 二、新北市托育人員感知工作投入為中高標準以「工作參與」之感知最高,以「工作專注」感知標準最低。 三、新北市托育人員感知工作幸福感為中低標準,在「工作成就」之感知標準最高,以「生活滿意」之感知最低。 四、私立托嬰中心托育人員因其年齡、服務年資之不同,而有不同的中心主任服務領導之感知內心,35歲以上年資11年以上的托育人員感知標準較高。 五、托嬰中心托育人員因其年齡、服務年資之不同,而有不同工作投入之知覺感受,以35歲以上、年資11年以上、的托育人員感知標準較高。 六、托嬰中心托育人員出處年齡、服務年資之不同,而有不同工作幸福感之感知內心,以35歲以上、年資11年以上感知標準較高。 七、托嬰中心托育人員感知主任服務領導與工作投入部分及各構面彼此之間具有中低標準。 八、托嬰中心托育人員感知主任服務領導與工作幸福感部分及各構面彼此之間具有中低標準。
九、托嬰中心托育人員感知工作投入與工作幸福感部分及各構面此之間具有中低標準托嬰中心之主任服務領導、托育人員工作投入與工作幸福感具有預測作用,以工作投入之「工作評價」有較高的預測力。 十、托嬰中心之主任服務領導、托育人員工作投入與工作幸福感具有預測作用, 以工作投入之「工作評價」有較高的預測力。
最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具提建議,以供相關行政機關、私立托嬰中心主任與托育人員以及未來研究之參考。 Abstract This study used a questionnaire survey to examine the close relationship between the service leadership of directors, the work commitment of child care workers and their well-being in private child care centers in New Taipei City, Taiwan, and finally, the predictions of well-being were made by the service leadership of the directors and the work commitment of the child care workers.
In this study, 633 questionnaires were distributed to child care workers in private child care centers in New Taipei City, Taiwan, and 611 questionnaires were returned, with a total of 1,150 child care workers in private child care centers in New Taipei City, Taiwan, as the main respondents. Random sampling was used to analyze a certain amount of proportional samples, and the results of the study were analyzed and summarized as follows: First, the child care workers in New Taipei City perceived the service leadership of the center director as medium-high and low standards, with the perceived standard of "empowerment" being the highest and the perceived standard of "perceived leadership" being the lowest. New Taipei City child care workers` perception of work engagement was medium-high, with "work participation" being the highest and "work focus" being the lowest. The perceived happiness of child care workers in the New Taipei City was of medium-low standard, with "job achievement" being the highest and "life satisfaction" being the lowest. The childcare workers in private childcare centers have different perceptions of the center director`s service leadership depending on their age and years of service, and the perceptions of childcare workers over 35 years old with more than 11 years of service are higher. Child care workers in child care centers have different perceptions of work commitment depending on their age and years of service, with those over 35 years old and with more than 11 years of service having higher perceptual standards. Childcare workers in baby care centers have different perceptions of happiness at work depending on their age and years of service, with those over 35 years old and with more than 11 years of service having higher perceptions. The child care workers of the child care centers perceived that the director`s service leadership and work commitment and the various components of the work had a low to medium standard. Child care providers` perceptions of the director`s service leadership and job happiness section and each of the components have a low to medium standard. Child care workers` perceived work engagement and work well-being components and dimensions were of low to moderate standard. Child care workers` perceived work engagement and work well-being were predictive of the child care center`s director`s service leadership, and work engagement and work well-being. The predictive power of "job evaluation" in terms of job engagement was high. The predictive power of the "job evaluation" of work engagement was higher. Finally, based on the findings and conclusions of the study, specific recommendations were made for the reference of the relevant administrative agencies, directors and caregivers of private child care centers, as well as for future research. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 學校行政碩士在職專班 109911002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109911002 |
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