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    Title: 我國健康促進學校指標及權重建構之研究
    A Study on Constructing Health Promoting School Indicators and Weights in Taiwan
    Authors: 陳怡蓓
    Chen, I-Pei
    Contributors: 吳政達
    WU, Cheng-Ta
    Chen, I-Pei
    Keywords: 健康促進學校
    Health Promoting School
    Health Promoting School Indicators
    Weight Analysis
    Children and Adolescent Health
    Focus Group Discussion
    Fuzzy Delphi Method
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:32:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究係以「健康促進學校國際認證標準」為指標發展之基礎,並參採聯合國教科文組織與世界衛生組織最新發布之健康促進學校全球標準與國內外有關健康促進學校指標相關的文獻,旨在建立健康促進學校指標及權重。研究方法採焦點團體座談及模糊德菲法,藉以蒐集專家學者對健康促進學校指標向度之重要性意見。最後以三角模糊數及反模糊化,進行指標之刪除及權重計算,經過重新編排後,建構「健康促進學校指標系統」。
    This study is based on the "Health Promoting School International Accreditation Standards" as the foundation for indicator development, and incorporates relevant literature on health promoting school indicators from the latest releases by UNESCO and the World Health Organization, both internationally and domestically. The aim is to establish health promoting school indicators and their weights in our country. The research methods involves focus group discussions and the Delphi method, which collect expert opinions on the importance of dimensions related to health promoting school indicators. Finally, using triangular fuzzy numbers and defuzzification, indicators are eliminated and weights are calculated. After reorganization, the "Health Promoting School Indicator System" was constructed.
    This study constructs the "Health Promoting School Indicator System" consisting of 8 dimensions and 43 indicators. The indicator with the highest weight is "School provides an adequate supply of drinking water, regularly tests drinking water facilities, and displays water quality test results and maintenance records prominently." The indicator with the lowest weight is "School promotes and reviews health issues according to the guidelines set by the Ministry of Education or county/city education authorities, following an evidence-based approach." Based on the findings of this study, recommendations are proposed for the competent authorities and schools at all levels of primary and secondary education regarding the promotion of health promotion and future research.
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