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Title: | 通訊科技競爭與標準必要專利之研究 -以高通案為例 A Study on the Competition of Communications Technology and Standard Essential Patents- An Example of the Case of Qualcomm |
Authors: | 張舒涵 Chang, Shu-Han |
Contributors: | 許耀明 Hsu, Yao-Ming 張舒涵 Chang, Shu-Han |
Keywords: | 標準必要專利 行動通訊 高通 公平合理無歧視 專利授權 競爭法 Standard Essential Patent (SEP) Mobile Communication Qualcomm Fair Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) Patent License Competition Law |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:32:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 科技的競逐不曾停歇,隨著動通訊技術迅速發展,各國都希望打入通訊標準制定核心、掌握更多話語權,以在國際貿易中取得優勢地位,奪得市場先機,因此紛紛遊說標準制定組織選定自身專利技術採納為技術標準,進而運用標準必要專利(standards-essential patents,SEPs)展開智慧財產權戰略,在市場上作為攻擊與防禦的武器,以達到維持競爭力或擴大市場佔有率之目標。
為避免專利權人有壟斷市場與不公平競爭問題,國際標準制定組織要求標準專利權人應提出「公平、合理、無歧視(Fair Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory,FRAND)」承諾,以求公平合理的處理相關授權關係, 然因FRAND授權承諾定義未明,在國際上衍生許多討論。
此外,在中美貿易戰後科技業成為重點戰場之一,因疫情而生的邊境管控措施促使供應鏈模式改變,各國紛紛將重大戰略物資產線留在國內並推動相關保護政策,本論文最後就各國制定的晶片法案進行說明,並自就企業面與政府面提出相應策略。期望我國企業能積極備戰,取得更多的籌碼換取對自己有利的條件並謹慎應對國際局勢,布局核心技術,維持我國產業地位立於不墜。 The contest in technology never stops, and with the rapid development of mobile communication technology, countries are eager to penetrate the core of communication standard setting organization and gain more influence to secure advantageous positions in international trade and seize market opportunities. Consequently, they actively lobby standard-setting organizations to adopt their own patents and technologies as technical standards. Subsequently, they utilize Standards-Essential Patents (SEPs) as part of their intellectual property strategies, wielding these SEPs as both offensive and defensive weapons in the market. Their ultimate aim is to maintain competitiveness or expand their market share.
To prevent patent holders from monopolizing the market and engaging in unfair competition, international standard-setting organizations require standard patent holders to make a "Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory" (FRAND) commitment. This commitment aims to ensure a fair and reasonable approach to handling relevant licensing relationships. However, due to the lack of a clear definition of FRAND commitments, it has led to numerous discussions and debates internationally.
This study focuses on the formation of Standards-Essential Patents (SEPs) and the associated commitments of Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) terms. It explores the regulations and important cases related to the formation of SEPs and FRAND commitments by the regulatory authorities in the United States, the European Union, Japan, and Taiwan. Furthermore, the study delves into the handling of the Qualcomm case by major countries and analyzes the impact of the Fair Trade Commission of Taiwan`s ruling against Qualcomm on October 20, 106. The research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the various approaches and consequences of dealing with SEPs and FRAND commitments in different jurisdictions.
Furthermore, after the trade war between China and the United States, the technology industry has become a key battleground. The border control measures arising from the pandemic have prompted changes in supply chain models. In response, countries around the world have taken measures to retain critical strategic supply chain within their borders and have implemented relevant protectionist policies.
In the concluding part of this thesis, various countries` chip laws are explained, and corresponding strategies are proposed from both the perspectives of enterprises and governments. The hope is that Taiwanese companies will proactively prepare for the potential challenges, secure more leverage to negotiate favorable conditions, and respond cautiously to the evolving dynamics. Emphasizing the development of core technologies is crucial to maintaining Taiwan`s position in the industry and ensuring the stability and continuity of its industrial standing. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法學院碩士在職專班 108961013 |
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