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Title: | 我國不穩定就業者對無條件基本收入偏好研究 Research on Unconditional Basic Income Preference among Different Groups of Precarious Workers in Taiwan |
Authors: | 陳陽明 Chen, Yang-Ming |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 Liu, Mei-Chun 陳陽明 Chen, Yang-Ming |
Keywords: | 不穩定就業 人工智慧 自動化 失業 無條件基本收入 Precarious employment Artificial intelligence Automation Unemployment Universal basic income |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:30:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 1970年以來新自由主義的興起使資本主義擺脫流通限制,僱用關係開始往市場化及個體化發展,使不穩定的就業性型態自20 世紀後期起於勞動力市場上的佔比逐漸增加。近年來科技的進步除了使勞動力的使用更加彈性化與零碎化外,人工智慧技術的發展使得人力有被機器取代的趨勢,而COVID-19對經濟造成的衝擊使企業開始增加人工智慧及自動化技術投資與使用的比例,這將對不穩定就業者造成更大的衝擊。 無條件基本收入被認為能夠作為因應人工智慧導致勞動市場劇烈變動的一種社會保障,作為首當其衝的不穩定就業者或許會對無條件基本收入持正面看法。因此本研究將探討不穩定就業者對無條件基本收入的偏好,並根據文獻以政府傾資方態度與家戶所得探討其是否會中介不穩定就業者對無條件基本收入的偏好。 本研究使用中央研究院社會學研究所之「2018年第一次社會意向調查」問卷資料,並以羅吉斯迴歸進行分析,結果發現不穩定就業者中的部分工時工作者及低技術工人與無條件基本收入具有正向顯著關係,而政府傾資方態度對部分工時工作者及低技術工人與無條件基本收入之關係具有部分中介效果。 根據研究結果,顯示身處於勞動市場邊緣的部分工時工作者與低技術勞工對現今社會福利及安全制度保障不足的擔憂,而政府保護的不足,會增加兩者對無條件基本收入的偏好,此結果不僅可作為推廣無條件基本收入者參考,也考驗者政府如何解決勞動市場邊緣者保護不足的困境。 Since the 1970s, the rise of neo-liberalism has led to the de-regulation of capitalism, and the employment relationship has begun to move towards marketization and individualization. As a result, the proportion of precarious employment in the labor market has gradually increased since the late 20th century. In recent years, the progress of technology has made the use of labor more flexible and fragmented, and the development of artificial intelligence technology has led to a tendency for manpower to be replaced by machines. The impact of COVID-19 on the economy has also led companies to increase their investment and use of artificial intelligence and automation technologies, which will have a greater impact on precarious employment. Unconditional basic income(UBI) is believed to be able to provide social security in response to the dramatic changes in the labor market caused by artificial intelligence. As the first group to be affected, precarious employment may have a positive view of UBI. Therefore, this study will explore the preferences of precarious workers for UBI, and explore whether the attitude of the government towards capitalists and household income will mediate the preferences of precarious workers for UBI.. This study analyzed the questionnaire data of the "2018 First Social Intention Survey" conducted by the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, by using logistic regression as the research method. The results show that part-time workers and low-skilled workers in precarious employment have a positive and significant relationship with UBI, and the attitude of the government towards capitalists has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between part-time workers and low-skilled workers and UBI. According to the research results, part-time workers and low-skilled workers who are at the margin of the labor market worried about the lack of social welfare and security system in the present. The lack of government protection will increase their preference for UBI. This result can not only be used as a reference for the promotion of UBI, but also challenges the government to solve the dilemma of insufficient protection for the vulnerable in the labor market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 109262007 |
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