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Title: | 校系選擇的社會視野: 以大學個人申請分發之集群效應為例 |
Authors: | 陳嘉葳 Chen, Chia-Wei |
Contributors: | 陳信木 Chen, Hsin-Mu 陳嘉葳 Chen, Chia-Wei |
Keywords: | 教育流動 職涯選擇 校系競爭 大數據分析 資料探勘 Social Mobility of Education Career Choice Competition between Schools and Departments Big Data Analysis Data Mining |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:25:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 高中升大學為台灣社會中教育流動的重要階段,近年來,台灣教育部逐漸以個人申請的入學管道為大學升學管道發展的主體,個人申請中考生會透過成績與校系選擇進行分流,根據成績進行志願選填,而在志願選填的階段,考生必須考量許多社會性因素,除了家庭期望、經濟等因素外,校系生態因素(如學校的名聲、學校或科系間的競爭關係)占了重要的成分,「不同性質的考生會如何進行校系選擇與排序」成為了探索台灣教育流動、校系生態中值得研究的問題。
本研究以高中升大學的考生為分析群體,透過網路爬蟲於公開查榜網站取得考生志願選填的母體資料,並且使用資料探勘(Data Mining)方法探索考生志願選擇中的關聯配對法則(Association rule),目標從購物車理論(Shopping Cart Theory)的分析角度解釋考生的志願選擇,如選擇A系的考生有高機率會選擇B系,如此一來,我們能知道在考生的選擇中,哪些科系容易一同被考生選擇,彼此的關聯性高,形成集群(Cluster),並透過社會網絡視覺化呈現校系間的關聯與集群結構,透過本研究的分析模式能探索出哪些學校、科系間是互相搶學生的競爭關係,如選擇社會系的考生高機率也會選擇法律系與政治系,最後會在三系間做出抉擇,代表這三個科系間會面臨互相搶學生的狀態。
本文挖掘出科系選擇整體架構的圖像(Pattern),期待研究分析的成果能對教育工作者、政府教育相關單位、各校系招生單位在制定教育、招生策略上能更有效的制定策略以及鎖定潛在的學生群體作為招生對象,也寄望後續研究能繼續從不同角度切入探索考生選擇志願的因素,探索出更為豐碩的研究成果。 University Admission is an important stage in social mobility of education of Taiwan society. In recent years, Taiwan`s Ministry of Education has gradually taken the admission channel of individual application as the main body of the development of university admission channel. Candidates in individual application will be divided by grades and school department selection. In the stage of voluntary selection, candidates must consider many social factors. In addition to family expectations, economic factors, etc., school department ecological factors (such as school reputation, competition between schools or departments) play a significant role.
In this study, the candidates for university admission were taken as our research subject, and the parental data of the candidates` choices for schools and departments were obtained through the web crawler on the public search website, and the Data Mining method was used to explore the association matching rules in the data. Our goal is to explain candidates’ choices for schools and departments from the analysis angle of Shopping Cart Theory. In this way, we can know which schools and departments are strongly related to each other, forming a cluster. The association and cluster structure between schools and departments can be visualized through the social network method. Through the analysis mode of this study, we can explore the competitive relationship between schools and departments. For example, candidates who choose the Department of Sociology have a high probability of choosing the Department of Law and the Department of Politics. In the end, they will make a choice among the three departments, which means that these three departments will face a state of competing for students.
This paper excavates the pattern of the overall structure of departmental selection. It is expected that the results of the research and analysis can help educators, government education-related units, and school admissions units to formulate education and enrollment strategies more effectively. Targeting potential student groups as enrollment targets, it is also hoped that follow-up research will continue to explore the factors of candidates` choice for schools and departments from different angles, and explore more abundant research results. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學系 110254005 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110254005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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