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Title: | 戰火中的性別-女青年工作大隊的角色變遷(1949~1956) Gender in the War: The Evolution of Taiwan’s Women Army Crops Battalion, 1949-1956 |
Authors: | 范翔宥 Fan, Hsiang-Yu |
Contributors: | 劉曉鵬 范翔宥 Fan Hsiang-Yu |
Keywords: | 女性軍人 政戰工作 兩性關係 蔣經國 孫立人 Female Officers Political Warfare Gender Relationships Chiang Ching-Kuo Sun Li-Jen |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:20:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文以戰爭與性別的角度回顧1949年成立的女青年工作大隊,並重新分析國民政府剛遷台後第一支全女性軍官部隊。作者回顧女性與軍隊相關理論,並發現女青年工作大隊成立初衷為孫立人模仿照二戰美國的「陸軍女性兵團」(Women’s Army Corps)以戰地醫療和後勤服務來支持軍隊作戰。然而美國的理念經過台灣軍隊文化的調整,最終使女性軍官成為政工幹部對部隊實施精神及思想教育,並利用其年輕、貌美、熱情以歌舞遊戲的方式舒緩部隊壓力。 在這個變遷過程中,首先,在以男性與外省族群為主的國軍中,女性被保護形象可襯托陽剛與英雄氣慨,甚至成為婚姻幻想對象等功能,故女性返鄉的渴望、敵前工作的女軍人,便可以激發士兵的責任、信心與鬥志。 其次,和美國女性軍人相同,女青年工作大隊面對的不僅是敵人,還有歧視、刻板印象與性騷擾。賦予女青年的軍官階級可以保護並減少文化素質較低的士官兵騷擾,女青年軍官須團進團出,並避免在同一個地方駐守太久而危及安全。畢竟少數女青年能滿腔熱血投入軍隊不容易,是上級關注重點,也是管理上的壓力。 但上級照顧相對只是表面上,私下如重男輕女等傳統觀念仍影響著學歷、待遇甚至女青年自己。上級對於女性軍官的管理方式和女青年本身結婚或其他生涯方面規劃而造成女性無法久留於軍隊中,也促使長期發展下來女性軍人仍為軍隊附屬。 This article reviews the Women`s Youth Work Brigade established in 1949 from the perspective of war and gender, and reanalyzes the first all-female officer corps after the Nationalist government moved to Taiwan. The author reviews theories related to women and the military and finds that the Women`s Army Corps was originally established by Sun Liren to support the military with field medical and logistical services, modeled after the U.S. Women`s Army Corps of World War II. However, the American concept was adapted to the culture of the Taiwanese military, and eventually women officers became political officers to educate the troops spiritually and ideologically, and to use their youth, beauty, and enthusiasm to relieve the troops` stress through song and dance games. In this process of transformation, first, in the national army, which is dominated by men and provincial communities, women are protected as images that can set up masculinity and heroism, and even become the object of marriage fantasies, so the desire of women to return to their hometowns and the female soldiers working in front of the enemy can inspire soldiers` responsibility, confidence and fighting spirit. Secondly, like American female soldiers, the female youth work brigade faced not only the enemy, but also discrimination, stereotypes and sexual harassment. Giving young women the rank of officer would protect and reduce harassment by less educated non-commissioned officers, who would have to move in and out of groups and avoid being stationed in the same place for too long and endangering safety. After all, it is not easy for a few young women to join the army with enthusiasm, which is a point of concern for their superiors and a pressure for management. However, the care of the superiors is only superficial, but in private, traditional concepts such as the preference for men over women still affect the qualifications, treatment and even the young women themselves. The way female officers are managed by their superiors and the young women`s marriage and other career plans make it impossible for women to stay in the military for long. |
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