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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/146617

    Title: 兩性凝視之差異—分析電影《自殺突擊隊》和《猛 禽小隊:小丑女大解放》的哈莉奎因
    Authors: 蔡柔俞
    Sanjaya, Priscilla Eugenia
    Contributors: 王淑美
    Wang, Sumei
    Sanjaya, Priscilla Eugenia
    Keywords: 男性凝視
    male gaze
    female gaze
    gender representation
    media portrayal
    Harley Quinn
    power dynamics
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:14:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文通過對兩性凝視之差異—分析電影《自殺突擊隊》和《猛 禽小隊:小丑女大解放》的哈莉奎因。這項研究的動機源於媒體中男性目光的持續影響,這往往會延續刻板印象、客觀化和權力失衡。通過檢查這兩部電影中對哈莉奎因的描述, 這項研究旨在揭示男性凝視和女性凝視塑造哈莉奎因形象的不同方式,以及凝視對角色的關鍵差異。

    This thesis explores the differences between the male gaze and the female gaze through an analysis of the character Harley Quinn in the films Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey. The motivation for this research stems from the persistent influence of the male gaze in media, which often perpetuates stereotypes, objectification, and power imbalances. By examining the depiction of Harley Quinn in these two films, this research aims to shed light on the distinct ways in which the male gaze and the female gaze shape the portrayal of Harley Quinn and the key differences the gazes have on the character.

    The analysis is conducted using the theoretical framework of the codes of television analysis and the three gazes analysis, providing a comprehensive understanding of the visual and narrative elements at play. The findings reveal that the portrayal of Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad is heavily influenced by the male gaze, as she is sexualized, objectified, and positioned as a passive object of desire. In contrast, Birds of Prey adopts a more empowering and self-determined portrayal of the character, embracing the female gaze and emphasizing her agency, independence, and personal growth. This thesis contributes to the discourse on gender representation in media by exploring the portrayal of Harley Quinn in relation to the male gaze and the female gaze. The findings of this research highlight the importance of moving beyond objectification and embracing more diverse and empowering representations of female characters in film.
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