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Title: | 在台亞裔美國人對於泛亞裔身分的認同感與歸屬感 Asian American Panethnicity: Assessing its Salience and Sense of Belonging among Asian Americans in Taiwan |
Authors: | 林穎佳 Lin, Rebecca |
Contributors: | 康庭瑜 Kang, Tingyu 林穎佳 Lin, Rebecca |
Keywords: | 亞裔美國人 泛族群認同 族群認同 跨國主義 身分認同感 Asian American Panethnicity Ethnicity Transnationalism Sense of belonging |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:14:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要探討跨國主義與泛族群的交匯,評估在台居住之亞裔美國人如何看待他們自身的泛亞裔身分。本文使用Huang(2009)的跨國主義、尋根之旅(roots tourism)和尋根移民(roots migration)為研究理論基礎,藉以瞭解非台灣亞裔美國人移居台灣之動機,且該動機是否與該族群的泛族群認同有所關聯。從Phinney(1990)的族群認同(ethnic identity)、Lopez 和Espiritu(1990)的泛族群認同(panethnic identity)與Berry(2006)的文化融入(acculturation)為出發點,深入探討非台灣亞裔美國人可否融入台灣當地社會。此外,亦比較受訪者在身處台灣與美國兩種不同的社會環境下,對自身泛族群亞裔美國身份是否有差異性。 本研究透過半結構式訪談,訪問13名非台灣亞裔美國人,受訪者皆在過去兩年內因工作或學習目的移居台灣。經過整理與分析,有兩項重要發現:首先,部分在本文裡被視為泛族群尋根移民(panethnic roots sojourners)的跨國主義者,他們因為對泛族群亞裔美國已有認同感,所以在移居台灣時對本地有相當程度的熟悉,但並不期許自己能融入台灣社會,此發現顯示他們與尋根之旅者及尋根移民者存在程度上的差異。其次,在移居台灣之前對亞裔美國身份有強烈認同者也會在移居台灣後更強化他們的泛亞裔身分。這起因於該群體在台灣察覺之「他者」(otherness)感受、他人對他們的身分的觀感,以及和其他在台亞裔美國人的互動關係。相較之下,在移居前對該身份無認同感者,在移居後也不會有認同感上的差異。本研究之結果凸顯出進一步研究非美國情境下亞裔美國泛族群概念的重要性。 This study provides the contemporary intersection of transnationalism and panethnicity, assessing Asian American panethnicity and challenging the existence of the panethnicity outside of American contexts among Asian Americans based in Taiwan. Drawing upon the foundations of Huang (2009)’s transnationalism, roots tourism, and roots migration, this research aims to understand motivations behind Asian Americans’ decision to move to Taiwan and a potential connection with panethnicity. It builds upon existing literature in ethnic identity, panethnicity, and acculturation of Phinney (1990), Lopez and Espiritu (1990), and Berry (2006), respectively, to examine how Asian Americans integrate into local Taiwanese society. Further, it juxtaposes informants’ salience to a panethnic Asian American identity in their host society of Taiwan with their origin society of the United States. This study conducted semi-structured interviews with thirteen Asian Americans who had moved to Taiwan within the past two years for work or study purposes. It had two major findings. First, there exists a group of individuals coined inaugurally as panethnic roots sojourners. Existing in transnational spatiality, they moved to Taiwan with a sense of familiarity to Taiwan due to their panethnic Asian American roots but did not have underlying expectations or self-imposed pressure to integrate into their host society. This indicates a dichotomy between them and roots tourists/migrants. Second, those with strong affinity towards their Asian American identity prior to their move to Taiwan also had heightened salience in Taiwan. This was fostered through feelings of “otherness,” exogenous challenges to their identity, and interactions with other Asian Americans in Taiwan. In contrast, those with no affinity to the identity prior to the move remained apathetic towards the identity, and a move to Taiwan did not stimulate such an identity. Findings underscore the importance of further studying Asian American panethnic consciousness in non-American contexts. |
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