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    Title: 探討社群媒體假新聞之公關危機回應策略
    Discussing the response strategies for fake news crisis on social media
    Authors: 王孟琦
    Wang, Mon-Chi
    Contributors: 鄭怡卉
    Cheng, I-Huei
    Wang, Mon-Chi
    Keywords: 攻擊回應策略
    Attack response strategy
    Fake news
    Crisis management
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:14:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   社群媒體的媒介特性,除了讓資訊傳散更容易,也增加傳播假新聞的可能性,並對企業造成聲譽上的威脅。為了解決假新聞造成的問題,本研究旨在測試在假新聞危機情境底下,回應策略能否有效保護企業聲譽與信任。並以Coombs (2007)的「情境危機傳播理論」的學術假設作為依據,著重探討攻擊回應策略能否幫助企業揭穿假新聞的可信度,增強對回應證據的感知、對企業的信任,以及增加線上支持口碑。


      Due to the ease of disseminating information on social media today, misinformation online can pose threats for corporations. To address this issue, the current study was aimed at testing the effectiveness of the response strategy in safeguarding corporate reputation during fake news crises. Taking insights from scholarly assumptions in the Situational Crisis Communication Theory (Coombs, 2007), the overall study explored whether more attack-oriented responses that are at a higher level of defensiveness to help companies debunk fake news credibility, generate stronger perception of evidence in the response and trust in organizations, as well as increase more supportive online word-of-mouth (WOM).

      To test the proposed hypotheses and relevant research question, a factorial experiment with a between-subjects design was conducted with a sample of 128 participants who were aged over 30. The results revealed that the attack response strategy can effectively preserve the corporate trust during an online fake news crisis. It was also found that the attack responses can enhance the perception of the evidence presented in the company`s crisis response. On the other hand, the findings did not confirm the effects of the attack response strategy on lowering the credibility of fake news or eliciting behavioral support in the form of online WOM.

      Since the results imply that the more assertive the corporate crisis response is on the face of fake news, the more objective or convincing it may be to the public, adoption of relatively more attack-oriented strategy is still recommended for practices in the event of such online crises. Future research can consider other message appeals or information along with the use of attack strategy and investigate situational factors in crises that may moderate the response outcomes, which can further our knowledge on the process of online crisis communication and on designing the strategic messages in response to fake news targeted at corporations.
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