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    Title: 論我國維修免責條款之發展-以比較法與市場結構為核心
    Discussion on the development of Repair Clause in Taiwan – With a focus on comparative law and market structure in Taiwan
    Authors: 黃凡源
    Huang, Fan-Yuan
    Contributors: 鄭菀瓊
    Cheng, Wan-Chiung
    Huang, Fan-Yuan
    Keywords: 維修免責條款
    Repair Clauses
    Design patent
    Collision parts
    Right to Repair
    Market monopoly
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:13:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 基於對產業進步與技術創新的理念,多國對技術研發皆以智慧財產權加以保護。其中對於工藝與美觀設計,也另外以設計專利或設計權給予保護,藉此賦予專利權人獲利機會,並創造再次投入新設計之正向循環。汽車產品即為設計專利保護之典型產品,其外觀零組件受到多種設計專利保護,因此汽車製造商擁有可以排除其餘競爭者而單獨占有此零組件市場之機會,而因為汽車外觀於消費者購買時即已確定,其餘業者也無法逕以迴避設計方式製造替代品。汽車之單價高、使用期限長,消費者在購入汽車後將有長時間僅能選擇單一種類或生產者提供之零組件,形同被箝制於此市場。因此有提倡基於使消費者恢復原始汽車外觀之「維修免責條款」之出現,並希望以此成為設計專利之例外條款。
    Based on the concept of industrial progress and technological innovation, most countries protect technological research and development with intellectual property rights. In addition, the design patent or design right is also used to protect the process and aesthetic design, so as to give the patentee the opportunity to make profits and create a positive cycle of reinvesting in new designs. The external parts of automotive products may be protected by a variety of design patents, so car manufacturers can choose to exclude other competitors to occupy this component market alone. Also, since the appearance of the car is normally not subject to change, the rest of the industry cannot avoid infringement risks by designing around. Due to the nature of the high unit price and durability of automobiles, consumers will be limited to a single external part for a long period of time after purchasing a vehicle, which is tantamount to being trapped in this market. Therefore, the emergence of a "repair clauses" that allows consumers to restore the original appearance of a car is advocated, and it is hoped that this will become an exception to the design patent.
    In the case of the DEPO`s car lamp case in Taiwan, the repair clause has been discussed from the draft of the Legislative Yuan and the opinions of scholars. In this article, it introduced the controversy of this issue and, compared the industrial structure of our country, the opinions of scholars, the legislation of various countries, and then the draft legislation for our country, supplemented by the interviews of the automobile industry. From the perspectives of the right to repair and consumer protection, the inclusion of repair clauses can safeguard consumers` property rights and freedom of choice. Furthermore, maintaining the existing industry structure is also beneficial for consumer protection. Therefore, this paper references the legislation on repair clauses in various countries and market structures obtained through interviews to propose different perspectives and a legislative recommendation. It is hoped that this will contribute to the promotion and further discussion of repair clauses in Taiwan.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110364203
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