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    Title: 新創企業與大型企業之 ESG 價值共創 -以陽光伏特家為個案研究
    Value Cocreation of ESG between Startup and Large Firm: Case Study of Sunnyfounder
    Authors: 蔡宜臻
    Tsai, Yi-Chen
    Contributors: 鄭至甫
    Tsai, Yi-Chen
    Keywords: 綠能新創
    Green Energy
    Value Co-Creation
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:13:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著全球氣候變遷、疫情和戰爭等影響,社會與環境議題已成為全球關注的焦點,各產業也開始重新定義ESG並納入營運決策。台灣政府呼籲企業邁向2050淨零碳排為目標,並要求管控供應鏈碳足跡、降低碳排放,透過自己創能、購買再生能源或是憑證降低使用灰電比例,以減少溫室氣體排放。台灣政府為了培育本國成為亞洲新創資本匯聚中心,推出許多綠能相關的創新創業計劃,而在所有再生能源產業中,又以太陽光電最為成熟,此外,2019年台灣電業法修法後,私人企業也能申請再生能源售電業執照,與台電一同販售綠電給消費者,促進再生能源發展和永續發展的進程。
    With the impact of global climate change, epidemics and wars, social and environmental issues have become the focus of global attention, and industries are beginning to redefine ESG and incorporate it into operational decisions. The Taiwanese government has called on companies to move towards a net zero carbon emissions target of 2050 and has asked them to control the carbon footprint of their supply chain, reduce carbon emissions, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by generating their own energy, purchasing renewable energy, or reducing the proportion of gray power use through certificates. In addition, after the amendment of the Taiwan Electricity Law in 2019, private companies will be able to apply for renewable energy sales licenses and sell green electricity to consumers together with Taipower, promoting the development of renewable energy and sustainable development.
    In the past, academic studies on ESG have mainly explored the impact of the green energy trend on companies, the correlation between corporate operational performance and ESG investment, etc. In addition, from the phenomenon of Taiwanese companies in the past few years, it can be found that many large companies have cooperated with green energy start-ups to achieve their individual sustainability goals. In order to combine international ESG trends with Taiwan`s new venture trends, this study analyzes the opportunities, interactions, and risk management of the collaboration through the main question: What is the value created by the collaboration process between ESG startups and large firms?
    This study examines the opportunities, process, and value changes in the collaboration between a green start-up and a large firm through their three collaborative experiences. In the process of cooperation, this study examined the process through the four elements of value co-creation proposed by Prahalad and Ramaswamy, and found that under this co-creation model, special attention is paid to communication and networking with public departments, as well as risk assessment of previous projects. This study found that two of the biggest risks and variables in the project are the public sector and stakeholders. Therefore, start-ups and large corporations need to be able to respond well to changes in regulations, which will lead to a change in the mode of cooperation between the two sides, and bring more stakeholders together to enhance value.
    Green Start-ups hope to enhance their reputation and trust through cooperation, while large enterprises achieve their sustainability goals through cooperation. This study fills a research gap in the field of cooperation between ESG start-ups and large firms, and provides management decision guidelines for future cooperation between ESG start-up teams and large corporations.
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