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    Title: Instagram上的完美主義自我呈現對主觀幸福感的影響 —— 以自我同情為中介
    The Impact of Perfectionistic Self-Presentation on Subjective Well-being on Instagram: The Mediating Role of Self-Compassion
    Authors: 林軍妤
    Lin, Chun-Yu
    Contributors: 林日璇
    Lin, Jih-Hsuan
    Lin, Chun-Yu
    Keywords: 社交媒體
    Perfectionistic Self-Presentation
    Subjective Well-Being
    Active use
    Passive use
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:10:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 完美主義是一個長期受關注的概念,隨著社交媒體的蓬勃發展,完美主義在社交媒體上的呈現亦有跡可循,近年相關的研究也逐漸興起,社交媒體上的完美主義自我呈現與個人的心理狀況、幸福感便值得關注。Instagram的使用機制使其成為一個適合進行自我呈現的場域,其主要使用族群為18-34歲,本研究因此探討18-34歲的使用者在Instagram上的完美主義自我呈現及主觀幸福感,並加入自我同情,盼其成為有效的心理舒緩方式,此外也加入Instagram的主動與被動使用類型,觀察不同的使用方式是否有效影響使用者的主觀幸福感。本研究使用網路問卷調查法,蒐集447份有效問卷。研究結果發現,Instagram上的完美主義自我呈現無法直接預測主觀幸福感,但自我同情具有中介效果;完美主義自我呈現與主觀幸福感的某些構面也存在預測效果;被動使用也具有調節效果。
    Perfectionism is a long-standing concept that has received significant attention, and with the rapid development of social media, its presence on these platforms has become evident. In recent years, related research has also gained momentum, focusing on the association between perfectionistic self-presentation on social media and individuals` psychological well-being and happiness. Instagram`s structure makes it a suitable arena for self-presentation, particularly for the age group of 18-34 years old, which forms the primary user base. This study, therefore, aims to explore perfectionistic self-presentation and subjective well-being among users aged 18-34 on Instagram, taking into account self-compassion as a potential effective psychological coping mechanism. Additionally, it incorporates different types of Instagram usage, both active and passive, to observe whether these usage patterns significantly influence users` subjective well-being. The study employed an online survey method and collected 447 valid responses. The findings revealed that perfectionistic self-presentation on Instagram cannot directly predict subjective well-being but does have an indirect effect through self-compassion. Certain aspects of perfectionistic self-presentation also show predictive effects on subjective well-being, and passive usage plays a moderating role in this context.
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