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    Title: 台灣日本排球迷的社群媒體行為與球迷認同感關聯研究
    A Study of the Relationship between Social Media Behavior and Fan Identification of Japanese Volleyball Fans in Taiwan
    Authors: 徐歆
    Hsu, Shin
    Contributors: 黃葳威
    Huang, Wei Wei
    Hsu, Shin
    Keywords: 社群媒體
    volley ball in Japan
    social media
    sports fan
    fan identification
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:09:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討台灣的日本排球迷在社群媒體上的行為與球迷認同感之間的關聯,透過深度訪談與網路觀察,針對台灣的日本排球迷進行資料收集和分析,描繪出球迷在社群媒體上的使用樣貌,歸納出社群媒體提升球迷認同感的因素。研究結果顯示,透過球隊的社群媒體經營、迷社群間的互動與交流,能夠提升球迷的認同感。社群媒體也在跨國球迷間扮演著重要的角色,提供了資訊分享、交流互動、提升參與感與情感累積等重要功能。研究結果進一步應證過去的研究結果,加深社群媒體對球迷認同感影響之理解,並為球迷的社群媒體使用行為和情感認同連結提供實證性的洞察。
    This study explores the relationship between social media behavior and fan identification among Taiwanese fans of Japanese volleyball. Through in-depth interviews and online observations, data was collected and analyzed to depict fans` usage patterns on social media and identify factors that enhance fan identification. The findings reveal that effective social media management by teams, interaction and communication within fan communities contribute to fan identification. Social media also plays a significant role in connecting transnational fans by providing information sharing, interactive communication, fostering participation, and accumulating emotional connections. The results further corroborate previous research, deepening the understanding of the impact of social media on fan identification, and providing empirical insights into the relationship between fan social media behavior and emotional identification.
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