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    Title: 台灣華語可愛語疊字之聲調變化
    The tone changes of cute-talk reduplication in Taiwan Mandarin
    Authors: 陳霈謙
    Chen, Pei-Chien
    Contributors: 蕭宇超
    Hsiao, Yuchau E.
    Chen, Pei-Chien
    Keywords: 台灣華語
    Taiwan Mandarin
    Tone change
    Tonal morpheme
    Optimality Theory
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:08:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文旨在研究存在於台灣華語中的特殊名詞疊字現象,例如:「狗狗gouLgouLH/ gouLgouH」、「爸爸baLbaLH」和「凱凱kaiLkaiLH/ kaiLkaiH」,它們廣泛地被用來展示說話者和聽話者之間的親密關係。Huang (2016) 將這種名詞疊字稱作「可愛語疊字 (Cute-talk Reduplication)。」可愛語疊字和一般華語中的名詞疊字不同,其聲調產出有著[L.LH]/[L.H]的特殊變調;在構詞方面,也較一般華語名詞疊字豐富、多產。可愛語疊字可以套用在親屬稱謂詞素、一般名詞詞素或是形成疊字暱稱。然而,並非所有可愛語疊字的聲調產出都帶有[L.LH]/[L.H]的變調,它們會根據詞根的詞彙聲調和詞彙類型而決定變調與否。親屬稱謂詞素無論詞根的詞彙聲調為何,其聲調產出皆為[L.LH]。一般名詞詞素和疊字暱稱方面,若詞根為二聲([LH])或三聲([L]),會發生[L.LH]的變調;反之,一聲([H])和四聲([HL])則不會變調且維持一般名詞疊字的聲調產出;最後,僅有三聲([L])的詞根能有另一種聲調產出:[L.H]。依詞彙類型不同以及詞彙聲調與聲調產出之間的關係,本文在此將可愛語疊字再細分為三個次分類:(a) 親暱親屬稱謂疊字、(b)一般名詞親暱化疊字、(c)暱稱疊字。本研究將透過Huang (2016)提出的可愛語疊字浮動聲調分析、優選理論(Optimality Theory)和並存音韻理論(Cophonology)來解釋和分析可愛語疊字的變調現象。首先,Huang (2016)指出可愛語的[L.LH]/[L.H]變調皆是來自由浮動聲調Ⓛ、Ⓗ組成的可愛語聲調詞素。兩種不同的聲調產出則是因浮動聲調和音節的連接方式差異所致,且二者互為同位語素變體。接著在優選理論的架構下,提出得以預測變調的相應對整制約(Alignment Constraints)和聲調制約(Tonal Constraints)之排序。不發生變調的詞根,則是由於相應的信實制約(Faithfulness Constraints)高於對整制約因而受到限制。最後,三聲詞根於有時會允許兩種自由變體產出。對此,是因為可愛語疊字中有著並存的不同制約排序。此外,可愛語疊字的三種次分類亦有著各自的並存音韻制約排序。
    There is a special phenomenon of nominal reduplication in Taiwan Mandarin—a phenomenon which Huang (2016) termed cute-talk reduplication; examples of this include “狗狗 ‘dog’ gouLgouLH/ gouLgouH,” “爸爸 baLbaLH ‘daddy’” and “凱凱 ‘nickname’ kaiLkaiLH/ kaiLkaiH.” Cute-talk reduplication is widely used to show an intimate relationship between speakers and addressees. Unlike the normal nominal reduplication of Mandarin, cute-talk reduplication undergoes the [L.LH]/[L.H] tone change and can, morphologically, be applied to kinship terms, normal nouns and names. Cute-talk reduplication seems to be much more productive than normal nominal reduplication, but there are also some limitations: the prosodic size and the semantic matching. The stem must be monosyllabic and able to match the intimate meaning which is indicated in cute-talk reduplication. However, the [L.LH]/[L.H] tone change does not always occur; it seems to be conditioned by the tonal type and lexical type of the stem. To sum up, all of the kinship morphemes apply to the [L.LH] tone change, while only [LH] and [L] tone normal nouns and names apply to the [L.LH] tone change; additionally, [L] tone normal nouns and names are able to derive another variant tonal output [L.H]. One exceptional condition is that the [L] tone name is not originally a noun, and is instead derived from a free morpheme of other lexical categories, e.g., 美美 meiLHmeiL, *meiLmeiLH/*meiLmeiH; in this situation, it will apply to third tone sandhi. According to the lexical types and the interaction between lexical tones of stems and tone change, I will categorize cute-talk reduplication into three subcategories: (a) intimate kinship reduplication, (b) intimate nouns reduplication, and (c) nickname reduplication. In previous research, two main approaches have been employed to explain tone change: fixed tone pattern analysis and floating tone analysis. They will be compared here, and it can be immediately noted that some evidence has shown that Huang’s (2016) floating tone analysis is far superior to fixed tone pattern analysis. Huang suggested that /Ⓛ Ⓗ/ is the tonal morpheme of cute-talk and both [L.LH]/[L.H] are allomorphs which have different mapping of /Ⓛ Ⓗ/. Semantically, the cute-talk tonal morpheme serves to add a semantic feature [CUTE]. This research aims to explain these tonal phenomena of cute-talk reduplication from the perspectives of Optimality Theory (OT) and Cophonology. Some stems will not apply to tone change because there are certain faithfulness constraints which dominate the morphological alignment constraints, thus blocking those stems from associating with /Ⓛ Ⓗ/. The two free tonal variants [L.LH]/[L.H] are due to the different cophonologies; furthermore, those three subtypes of cute-talk reduplication also have their own cophonologies.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109555007
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