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    Title: 以SOR模型探討影響遊戲實況持續觀看與打賞意圖之因素
    Exploring the Factors that Affect Continuous Watching and Donation Intention in Game Live Streaming Based on SOR Model
    Authors: 曾郁茹
    Tseng, Yu-Ju
    Contributors: 洪為璽
    Hung, Wei-Hsi
    Tseng, Yu-Ju
    Keywords: 遊戲實況
    Game Live Streaming
    S-O-R Model
    Perceived Value Theory
    Continuous Watching Intention
    Donation Intention
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:04:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 伴隨電腦軟硬體的進步和電子競技的日益風靡,遊戲實況已然成為現代人重要的娛樂放鬆來源,即便現有的直播類型多到琳瑯滿目,遊戲實況仍然在這片競爭激烈的市場綻放著璀璨的光芒。遊戲實況主的前二位收入來源是打賞贈禮和工商合作,如何將遊戲實況背後流量轉化為金錢收益至關重要,然而過往研究大多著重討論直播平台使用和直播內容觀看。因此本研究採用S-O-R模型和感知價值理論作為架構基礎,從直播主的美麗感、溫暖感、專業感及幽默感特質,以及直播場域的互動性、社會臨場感及遠距臨場感特質,二個面向探討對觀眾持續觀看意圖和打賞意圖的影響。
    本研究透過線上問卷形式蒐集樣本,共計回收600份問卷,當中有效問卷為517份,而後使用統計軟體實行資料分析。研究結果顯示: 一,溫暖感、專業感、互動性及遠距臨場感對功利價值皆有正向顯著關係;二,美麗感、溫暖感、專業感、幽默感及社會臨場感對享樂價值皆有正向顯著關係;三,互動性、社會臨場感及遠距臨場感對社會價值皆有正向顯著關係;四,功利價值、享樂價值及社會價值對持續觀看意圖皆有正向顯著關係;五,享樂價值和社會價值對打賞意圖皆有正向顯著關係,但是功利價值對打賞意圖則無顯著關係;六,情緒感染調節享樂價值和社會價值對打賞意圖皆無顯著關係。本研究提出些許學術面和實務面的貢獻,在學術面上,作為遊戲實況領域未來相似研究的參考依據,在實務面上,為遊戲實況主提供經營頻道的參考依據,也為實況經紀公司和遊戲實況平台,提供培訓和挑選人才的參考依據。
    With the advancement of computer software and hardware, and the growing popularity of e-sports, game live streaming has become important source of entertainment and relaxation for modern people. Despite the abundance of existing live streaming genres, game live streaming continues to shine brightly in this fiercely competitive market. Converting the traffic behind game live streaming into monetary gains is crucial, as the top two income sources for game streamers are viewer donation and business collaboration. However, previous studies have primarily focused on discussing the usage of live streaming platform and viewing of live streaming content. Therefore, this study adopts the S-O-R model and perceived value theory as framework foundation to examine the impact of two aspects, namely the live streamers’ characteristics of beauty, warmth, expertise, and humor, and the live scenes’ characteristics of interactivity, social presence, and telepresence, on audiences’ continuous watching intention and donation intention.
    This study collected samples through an online questionnaire, with 600 responses, out of which 517 responses were valid. Data analysis was then conducted using statistical softwares. The research results indicate: (1)Warmth, expertise, interactivity, and telepresence have positive and significant relationships with utilitarian value; (2)Beauty, warmth, expertise, humor, and social presence have positive and significant relationships with hedonic value; (3)Interactivity, social presence, and telepresence have positive and significant relationships with social value; (4)Utilitarian value, hedonic value, and social value have positive and significant relationships with continuous watching intention; (5)Hedonic value and social value have positive and significant relationships with donation intention, while utilitarian value doesn’t have a significant relationship with donation intention; (6)Emotional contagion doesn’t significantly moderate relationships between hedonic value and social value with donation intention. This study proposes several academic and practical contributions. Academically, it serves as references for future similar studies in the field of game live streaming. Practically, it provides references for game streamers to manage channels and for streaming management companies and game streaming platforms to train and select talents.
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