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    Title: 探討IT投資與CEO特徵對公司綠色創新績效之影響
    The effects of IT Investment and CEO Characteristics on Firm’s Green Innovation
    Authors: 廖勇豪
    Liao, Yung-Hao
    Contributors: 彭志宏
    Peng, Chih-Hung
    Liao, Yung-Hao
    Keywords: IT投資
    IT Investment
    Green Innovation
    Green Dynamic Capability
    CEO Characteristics
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:04:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著環境問題愈來愈受到關注,公司開始發展相應之對策,綠色創新作為應對環境問題的一種手段也受到了許多關注。本研究以綠色動態能力作為基礎,對IT投資及綠色創新間的關係進行探討,並調查CEO任期與CEO之MBA學位對其關係的調節作用,使用2010年至2016年的美國製造業公司作為樣本進行分析,研究結果表明IT投資與綠色創新有正向顯著的關係,而隨著CEO的任期愈長,這樣的關係則會被削弱,為負向調節作用。
    As environmental issues receive increasing attention, companies have begun to develop corresponding strategies. Green innovation, as a means to address environmental problems, has also gained considerable attention. This study is based on the concept of green dynamic capability and explores the relationship between IT investment and green innovation. It also investigates the moderating effects of CEO tenure and CEO`s MBA degree on this relationship. The analysis is conducted using samples of US manufacturing companies from 2010 to 2016. The research findings indicate a significant positive relationship between IT investment and green innovation. Besides, as CEO tenure increases, this relationship is weakened, suggesting a negative moderating effect.
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