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    Title: 稅制與所得分配不均-地下經濟所扮演的角色
    Tax System and Income Inequality-The Role of Shadow Economy
    Authors: 沈姿瑜
    Shen, Zi-Yu
    Contributors: 陳國樑
    Chen, Joe
    Shen, Zi-Yu
    Keywords: 租稅制度
    Tax system
    Income inequality
    Shadow economy
    Threshold model
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:56:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 所得分配不均 (income inequality) 於過去的40年間,有日益加劇的現象,此為政策制定者與社會大眾等所不樂見,各國政府經常藉由直接稅制度的設計與變革進行所得重分配。然而,實際的情況卻似乎不易看到稅制改善所得分配不均之效,本文認為兩者的關聯性很可能是被干擾著地上經濟且未被完全捕捉的地下經濟活動所阻斷,以致有關直接稅與所得分配不均的討論中未有一致性的結論;因此本文旨在探討兩者之間是否存在非線性關係,並比較納入地下經濟與否的結果,以突顯考量地下經濟之必要性。
    本文以1981至2005年98個國家的相關資料進行實證分析,藉由兩步驟系統性一般化動差法 (two-step System Generalized Method of Moments, SGMM),以緩解所得分配不均分別與稅制以及地下經濟之間因果倒置 (reverse causality) 所產生的內生性問題。
    Income inequality has been a growing concern over the past four decades, posing challenges for policymakers and society as a whole. Governments often resort to direct tax system design and reforms to address income redistribution. However, in practice, it seems challenging to observe the desired effects of tax system in reducing income inequality. We argue that this may be attributed to the interference of the shadow economy, an unobserved and unaccounted economic activity that affects the official economy. Consequently, the relationship between direct taxation and income inequality lacks consistency in existing discussions. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the potential nonlinear relationship between these two factors and compare the results with and without considering the shadow economy, emphasizing the importance of accounting for shadow economic activities.
    Using empirical analysis based on data from 98 countries between 1981 and 2005, we employ the two-step System Generalized Method of Moments (SGMM) to address endogeneity issues arising from the reverse causality between income inequality, tax policy, and the shadow economy.
    Our results reveal a nonlinear relationship between direct taxation and income inequality, which can only be observed when accounting for the presence of the shadow economy. Further examination through threshold regression models demonstrates the significant impact of the shadow economy on the relationship between direct taxation and income inequality. Specifically, when the shadow economy reaches a GDP share of 0.0837, the power of direct taxation to improve income inequality diminishes. Thus, reducing the size of the shadow economy becomes a crucial aspect if tax reforms are to be effective in tackling income inequality.
    This study uniquely combines direct taxation, income inequality, and the shadow economy, which is unprecedented in existing literature. It aims to provide a more comprehensive and accurate analysis in this field of research.
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