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    题名: 被告子女之兒童最佳利益與量刑政策
    An Analysis of the Best Interests of the Child in Sentencing Decisions Concerning Parents Facing Criminal Sanctions in Taiwan
    作者: 林慈偉
    Lin, Tzu-Wei
    贡献者: 何賴傑
    Her, Lai-Jier
    Lin, Tzu-Wei
    关键词: 父母及主要照顧者
    南非憲法法院S v M案判決
    Parents and Primary Caregivers
    Best Interests of the Child
    Sentencing Framework
    S v M Judgment (2007) of Constitutional Court of South Africa
    Rights not to be Separated from Parents of Children
    Alternatives to Imprisonment
    Social Justice
    Symbiotic Harms
    Residual Obligations
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2023-08-02 13:53:32 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本文首先指出,法院就父母或主要照顧者被告科刑以及因此所造成之分離對於受其撫育兒童的負面、創傷影響,以及兒童最佳利益作為世界國際人權的普遍原則下,如何依此議論兒童最佳利益與量刑間的法制問題。本文釐清了人權規範框架下,就父母或主要照顧者被告之量刑決定與兒童最佳利益間之人權規範基礎、適用範圍、兒童最佳利益評判,以及程序性保障等概念內涵,並從澳大利亞、英格蘭和威爾斯、美國、南非等國家或區域之實踐借鏡,其中,特別著重譽有「最佳實踐」的南非經驗,亦即從南非憲法法院S v M案判決以兒童主體視角下的量刑思維以及其普通法院判決等分析,指出對於父母或主要照顧者被告的量刑置於兒童主體視角下之可能操作模式及常見的問題點。



    Firstly, this paper illustrated the negative and traumatic impact on children caused by the court of sentencing decisions concerning parents or primary caregivers. It also explores the legal issues regarding balancing the child’s best interests as per international human rights standards and the sentencing of the parents or caregivers. The paper clarifies the conceptual framework of human rights norms, including the human rights basis, applicability, assessment of the child’s best interests, and procedural safeguards about sentencing decisions for parents or primary caregivers within the framework of human rights norms. This paper also draws insights from the practices of countries or regions such as Australia, England and Wales, the United States, and South Africa. It mainly focuses on the renowned “best practice” of South Africa, which involves analyzing the sentencing perspectives from the child`s viewpoint as the subject in cases such as S v M in the Constitutional Court of South Africa and the decisions of its local courts. This analysis aims to identify potential operational models and common issues in sentencing parents or primary caregivers from the subjective perspective of the child.

    Coming back to Taiwan, with the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) provisions, the consideration of the best interests of the child being featured in all levels of Taiwanese courts in their criminal sentencing, verdict analyses published by the Supreme Court, and State Reports on the implementation of the CRC, and it can be seen that the discussion on the criminal sentencing of custodial parents in Taiwan has only just begun. This article will clarify the legitimacy of considering the child`s best interest as a factor in sentencing under Taiwanese domestic criminal law. This involves determining its position within the sentencing framework and how to implement it in terms of interpretative and legislative design.

    Furthermore, inspired by the field of penalty in sociology which examines the harmful coexisting relationship between parents and children, the residual obligations of the State resulting from its imposition of punishment, concepts of social justice, and the shift from a binary “offender – state” relationship to a triad “criminal justice policy - prison – society” relationship, this paper explores the substantive justifications for considering the best interests of the child in criminal sentencing, and argues that it is necessary to incorporate the interests of the defendant’s children into consideration; from the perspective of both state obligations and social justice, the court cannot avoid considering all the impacts on those innocently affected, such as the defendant’s children, when imposing punishment, given that the social costs and harm caused by the court’s sentencing decisions, including imprisonment or even the death penalty which can result in the practical permanent separation of parents and children, stems from the sentencing decisions of the judicial authorities, namely the courts. From this perspective, this paper continues to examine the practical views of Taiwanese courts regarding the consideration of the best interests of the child in sentencing, including possible affirmations or denials based on social justice or preventive perspectives. Based on this analysis, the author presents arguments for the permissibility of the child’s best interests as a sentencing factor and even as an independent sentencing factor. Additionally, within the context of proportionality between crime and punishment, the paper explores the arguments for and against incorporating children’s interests into the theory of punishment from retribution and utilitarian perspectives. It examines the compatibility of children’s interests in sentencing. This paper advocates considering the best interests of children outside of Article 57 of the Criminal Code. But it also proposes an interpretation path based on the current legal framework. The interests of the child in this context are not merely about assessing the responsibility or personal circumstances of the offender but are based on the subjective perspective of the defendant’s children. This approach aims to avoid social injustice and harm to the innocent. It acknowledges the broader impact of punishment on society as a whole and the policy considerations that regulate the use of punishment.

    Finally, by recognizing the rights of the defendant’s children and their best interests in sentencing decisions, efforts can be made to reduce the marginalization and negative impact on these children. Whether or not there is a determination to do so depends on the extent to which our legal system officially recognizes and values the impact of sentencing on the defendant`s children. In this regard, this paper focuses on interpretative aspects. It discusses the thought process required to implement relevant interpretations of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and to bridge the applicable sentencing laws within the context of our criminal justice system. This paper argues that from a human rights perspective, the court shall consider the children directly affected by the sentencing decision and the potential impact on the defendant’s children when imposing a sentence. It suggests that non-custodial alternatives should be chosen whenever possible and that within the existing framework of penalties, the child’s best interests shall be consciously interpreted as a method of interpretation within the criminal justice system. This ensures that children’s interests are considered and that the best interests of the child are assessed following the relevant interpretations provided by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. Furthermore, from a legislative perspective, this paper proposes the addition of a sentencing provision based on the best interests of the child, such as the inclusion of Article 112-2 in the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, which may promulgate the inclusion of consideration of the best interests of the child in sentencing.
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