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    Title: 心理師之靈性行爲、活力感與生活滿意度的關係
    The relational study of spiritual practice 、vitality and life satisfaction of psychologists
    Authors: 丁雅真
    Ding, Ya-Zhen
    Contributors: 修慧蘭
    Shiou, Huei-Lan
    Ding, Ya-Zhen
    Keywords: 心理師
    Spiritual practice
    Life satisfaction
    Professional Developmental Stages
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:52:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主旨在瞭解各發展階段臺灣心理師之靈性行爲、活力感與生活滿意度現狀,並且探討心理師靈性行為、活力感與生活滿意度之間的關係,並驗證活力感在靈性行為與生活滿意度之間所扮演的中介角色。研究參與對象為144位心理師,其中包含實習心理師。採用靈性行為頻率量表、主觀活力感量表與生活滿意度量表為研究工具,透過網路問卷的方式進行施測,再根據所得資料以SPSS進行描述性統計、單因數變異數分析、皮爾森積差以及階層回歸等統計方式進行處理與分析。研究分析結果如下:
    一、 臺灣心理師族群中存在非常多元的靈性信仰與靈性行為。
    二、 心理師靈性行為頻率、活力感與生活滿意度兩兩之間存在顯著的正相關。活力感與生活滿意度高度相關、靈性行為與活力感和生活滿意度相關度較低。
    三、 不同發展階段的心理師在靈性行為頻率、活力感與生活滿意度上存在顯著差異。隨著工作年限的增長,資深階段即工作年限15年以上心理師的活力感與生活滿意度比實習與新手階段高。
    四、 活力感在心理師群體中,可完全中介靈性行為頻率與生活滿意度之間的關係。
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of spiritual practice、vitality and life satisfaction of psychologists among various professional developmental stages in Taiwan, and to explore the relationship between spiritual practices, vitality, and life satisfaction. A total of 144 psychologists participated in the study. The Spiritual Practice Frequency Scale, Subjective Vitality Scale, and Life Satisfaction Scale were used as research measurements. Data were collected through online surveys, and descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson`s correlation, and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted using SPSS. The results of this study showed that psychologists exhibit a diverse range of spiritual beliefs and behaviors;There were significant positive correlations between spiritual practice , vitality and life satisfaction.; Vitality was highly correlated with life satisfaction, while the correlations between spiritual practice and vitality and between life satisfaction were relatively low;psychologists at different development stages showed significant differences in spiritual practice frequency, vitality and life satisfaction. As the years of experience increased,psychologistsin the senior stage, with more than 15 years of experience, reported higher levels of spiritual practice frequency 、vitality and life satisfactions compared to other stages;Vitality fully mediated the relationship between spiritual practice frequency and life satisfaction.
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