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    Title: 混齡教育模式下幼兒學習與發展之研究——以台南市私立新樓幼兒園為例
    A Study on Children`s Learning and Development in Mixed-age Education: Taking Tainan Private Sin-Lau Kindergarten as an Example
    Authors: 楊恩慧
    Yang, En-Hui
    Contributors: 倪鳴香
    Ni, Ming-Shiang
    Yang, En-Hui
    Keywords: 混齡教育
    Mixed-age education
    Early childhood learning and development
    Differential co-configuration
    Field research
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:51:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究聚焦混齡教育模式下幼兒的學習與發展問題,採取田野研究取徑,以台南市私立新樓幼兒園作為研究田野,藉由對幼兒在混齡教育模式下學習與發展樣貌的系統觀察,和對混齡班教師之訪談,探究幼兒在混齡教育模式下的學習與發展方式,理解「年齡」之於他們學習與發展的意義。
    This study used the field research method and took Tainnan Private Sin-Lau Kindergarten as its field site, examined the learning and development modes of young children in mixed-age education through systematic children observation and interviews with mixed-age teachers. It also understood the significance of "age" in the learning and development of young children.
    Through the description of children`s daily life in Sin-Lou Kindergarten and their learning and development patterns in three different mixed-age education scenarios, including mixed-age life activities, mixed-age teaching activities and mixed-age play activities, it is discovered that children`s learning and development modes in the mixed-age education include: "top-down" experiential transmission from older children to younger children, "bottom-up" observation and imitation from younger children to older children, "cross-age" mutual stimulation and cooperative exploration among children of different ages, and "reverse learning" of older children from younger children. Based On this, this study further uncovered the "differential co-construction" learning and development traits of young children of various ages. Differential levels of internal experience or aptitude, such as cognition and sociality, served as the foundation for conversation among young children of different ages. These differences also act as triggering mechanisms and internal motivators for young children’s learning and development. According to "differential co-construction" children`s learning and development are no longer a process of universality gradually increasing with "age" as suggested by stage theories, but rather a process of communication and interaction with the surrounding environment and peers of the same age or different age based on their own existing experience and abilities, and a unique process of constantly enhancing, modifying, and recreating one`s own experience in order to maximize and improve it.
    However, the "differential co-construction" is not the inevitable result of mixed-age education model, but the promotion of specific educational concepts and actions, such as: (1) resolving conflicts and managing the classroom as a "home" (2) disassembling the unit to create a diverse environment open to children`s free choice; (3) deconstructing the standard, treating and evaluating children from a special perspective; (4) degrading authority and changing roles to support children`s subjective learning. In actuality, the foundational elements of mixed-age schooling are these educational ideas and practices. In light of these, we can propose the following optimization recommendations for the issues of "don`t know how to mixed-age," "mixed-age for mixed-age," and "form mixed-age but content divide" that frequently occur in the setting of kindergarten mixed-age education. First of all, the key to mixed-age education situations is not the mix of "ages," but rather the "differences" Secondly, mixed-age should become a natural part of children`s lives rather than an intentional choice made by teachers; Thirdly, updating the entire education ecological system is necessary in order to optimize mixed-age education rather than merely using one-sided adjustment techniques.
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