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Title: | 論存在主義荒謬概念對幸福教育之蘊意 The Implications of the Absurd Concept of Existentialism for Well-being Education |
Authors: | 張靜軒 Chang, Ching-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 馮朝霖 Fong, Chao-Lin 張靜軒 Chang, Ching-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 存在主義 荒謬 幸福教育 正向心理學 Existentialism Absurdism Well-being Education Positive Psychology |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 13:50:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文旨在探討存在主義之荒謬概念對幸福教育之蘊意,以「這世界的人都幸福嗎?」為論文起始,指出當今全世界憂鬱人口增加、臺灣學生生活滿意度低落等現象,提出幸福教育之迫切,並揭露當代幸福教育多以「正向心理學」為顯學途徑,窄化了其發展範疇,也因當代以「科學、技術與經濟理性」為依歸,造成追求幸福喪失了深度思考,落入只追求「幸福的利益」忽視「幸福的意義」之荒謬現象。本論文採廣義詮釋學教育研究方法,最終指出幸福教育之視域擴充應包含五要旨:(1)啟導學習者領悟「真誠面對生命的現實」的重要性;(2)激勵學習者用心發展「覺醒的敏銳性」;(3)陶養學習者追求「自由與獨特性人格」;(4)鼓勵學習者體取「為自己生命負責的倫理態度」;(5)支持學習者「肯定與開展生命意義」的存在勇氣。本論文強調幸福教育之視域應有更深度與廣度的開展,尤其是「生命性」之內涵擴充,幸福教育本質應藉由自我批判與反省性思考,不斷覺醒於當代主流價值的框架與迷思,故本論文之研究結果正是對當代幸福教育之領地進行揭露與深刻生命議題之補充,盼能提供當代幸福教育另一種視域的積極想像。 This thesis is to study the Absurdism of the implications of Existentialism on the Well-being Education. I will start with the question “Are all the people in this world happy?”, and point out that the worldwide population suffering depression is on the rise, and the life satisfaction index for the students in Taiwan is low……Hence, it is urgent for the education of Well-being. The most noted contemporary Well-being education mainly focuses on the Positive Psychology, therefore narrowing its development. Also, modern world is ruled by science, technology and economic rationality, and lost the depth of the pursuit of happiness. The absurdism is that we only look for the benefits of happiness and ignore the meaning of happiness. This thesis uses hermeneutics in the broad sense and points out that we need to widen the viewshed of Well-being education by including these five key elements: 1. Inspire students to understand the importance of “honestly facing the reality of life”; 2. Encourage students to earnestly develop “the sensitivity for awakening”; 3. Encourage students to pursue “liberty and unique characters”; 4. Encourage students to experience “the ethical attitude of being responsible for one’s own life”; 5. Support students’ existential courage to “affirm and embrace the meaning of life”. This thesis emphathises that we should develop more depth and breadth for the viewshed of Well-being education, especially our view on vitality. The essence of Well-being education should be taught through self-criticism and reflective thinking, and free of the framework and myths of the contemporary main stream values. This thesis is to explore deeper life issues and the result can complement the contemporary viewshed of Well-being education. I wish to provide a proactive imagination for the viewshed of the contemporary Well-being education. |
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