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Title: | 生命性線索對嬰兒瞭解動作目標的影響 The Infulence of Animacy on infants` understanding of action goal |
Authors: | 何金洲 He, Jin-Zhou |
Contributors: | 黃啟泰 Huang, Chi-Tai 何金洲 He, Jin-Zhou |
Keywords: | 社會認知 目標歸因 效率原則 動作理解 生命性 Social cognition Goal attribution The principles of rationality Action understanding Animacy |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 13:48:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 嬰兒是如何理解他人或物體的目標這個議題在目前文獻中頗受爭議。生命性假說認為嬰兒是否以目標導向特性解釋觀看的動作,取決於動作者是否具有生命性線索。理性動作原則則認為嬰兒會主動評估動作與結果之間的效能關係,透過理性動作原則來歸因動作者的目標。因此本研究進一步釐清生命性線索是否在嬰兒目標歸因中起到必要作用。本實驗以48位平均年齡12個月大的嬰兒為研究對象,觀察有無生命性的動作執行者是否影響嬰兒歸因目標的歷程。本研究在電腦螢幕上重複呈現一圓形物體躍過會變換高度的障礙後,以最有效率的方式碰觸到另一個物體的動畫。一半的嬰兒觀看未受撞擊且延宕1.2秒發動圓形的動畫,此時他們應當把圓形被視為有生命的動作執行者;而另一半觀看圓形在撞擊後立即發動,此時他們則不會把動作執行者視為有生命的。當注視動畫的時間達到習慣化後,先前見到的物體轉換至對側障礙後方的位置,原來障礙後方的位置會出現一個新物體。此時,嬰兒會繼續觀看圓形跳向不同位置的舊目標以及相同位置的新目標兩個事件。實驗結果發現,在環境敏感線索充足的條件下,無論圓形的運動是否呈現生命性,嬰兒觀看圓形移動到新目標時都會產生明顯的去習慣化效果。這意味著動作執行者的行為在有效率與行為等效性線索的條件下,執行者是否展示生命性綫索似乎並不影響嬰兒歸因目標的歷程。 The existence of infants’ psychological reasoning about goals has been hotly debated. The animacy hypothesis holds that infants’ proclivity to see acts in goal-directed ways is reliant on whether an agent exhibits animate cues. The principle of rationality posits that infants infer an agent’s goal by actively evaluating the efficacy of action in relation to its result (i.e., the principle of rationality). The present study test if the animate cues are crucial for infants to attribute goals to objects. In the experiment, 12-month-old infants (N = 48) watched animation stimuli repeatedly on the computer screen, where a circle jumped over variable obstacles and reached an object separated by the obstacle in the most efficient pathway. Half of the infants watched the circle jumping by itself and launching without any contact (an animate agent); The others watched the circle launch immediately following the sticking (an inanimate agent). After infants had habituated to the events, the object(goal) was switched to the other side, and a new object was placed in the previous location. And then the circle would jump to the new object with an old path or jump to the old object with a new path. The results of the present study showed that when the context-sensitive cues were sufficient in the action, infants dishabituated to the event where the circle moved to the new object regardless of whether the circle exhibited animacy. Therefore, when an agent displays efficiency and equifinality in goal-directed actions, it seems that infants’ goal attribution would not be detracted by the absence of animate cues. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 心理學系 108752028 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108752028 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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