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    Title: 家外之家:後疫情時代美籍台裔回遷
    A Homeland Away from Home: Ethnic Return Migration of Taiwanese Americans in the Post-Covid Era
    Authors: 黃嘉儀
    Wong, Tiffany Jia Yi
    Contributors: 樂南
    Nachman, Lev
    Wong, Tiffany Jia Yi
    Keywords: 台裔
    Taiwanese Americans
    Identity construction
    Anti-Asian racism
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:47:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在他們的祖輩定居美國僅僅兩三代後,臺裔美國人現在開始回到臺灣定居。其中許多人是在Covid-19疫情爆發後遷移回臺灣的,這引發了人們對美國和臺灣政府治理和社會狀況的比較。哪些因素可以解釋臺裔美國人遷回臺灣的不同原因?本研究顯示,在Covid-19疫情期間,政府健康治理方式和能力、種族主義和地緣政治因素影響了族裔做出遷回祖國的決定。根據20份半結構化的訪談,本研究發現五個主要因素,不同程度地促使臺美人移居臺灣:(1) 政府健康治理方式和能力,(2) 尋根和身份認同,(3) 反亞裔種族主義,(4) 職業發展機會和 (5) 地緣政治。我認爲,現有的關於族裔迴流遷移的推拉理論過於簡化,必須在後疫情時代,移民條件發生改變後進行重新審視。本研究的結果表明,在後疫情時代,族裔迴流遷移產生了新的理論,移民具有更強烈的動機和條件在祖國去尋求自己的身份認同。
    Just two or three generations after their ancestors settled in America, Taiwanese Americans are now moving back to Taiwan. Many of them moved after the Covid-19 pandemic began, prompting comparisons between governance and society in the U.S. and Taiwan. What factors help explain variation in why some Taiwanese Americans have returned to Taiwan? This study shows how health governance, racism and geopolitical factors affected ethnic return migration during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on 20 semi-structured interviews, this study discovers five key factors that motivated Taiwanese Americans to move to Taiwan to varying degrees: (1) Health governance, (2) Roots searching, (3) Anti-Asian racism, (4) Career development and (5) Geopolitics. I argue that existing push-pull theories of ethnic return migration which focus on ethnic identity and economic gain are oversimplified and must be revisited in a post-pandemic era, which changed the conditions for migration. The findings of this study suggest a new theory of post-pandemic ethnic return migration in which diaspora have both strong incentives and a means to explore their identity in the ethnic homeland.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110926025
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