题名: | 台灣雲端產業競爭態勢與發展 The Competition and Trend of Development of Cloud Industry in Taiwan |
作者: | 劉千瑩 Liu, Chien-Ying |
贡献者: | 洪叔民 Horng, Shwu-Min 劉千瑩 Liu, Chien-Ying |
关键词: | 雲端 Amazon Web Services 微軟Azure Google Cloud Cloud Amazon Web Services Microsoft Azure Google Cloud |
日期: | 2023 |
上传时间: | 2023-08-02 13:37:43 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 在當今國際政治局勢不穩定的情況下,各國產業與供應鏈發展接連受到牽動,企業面臨市場需求快速變化和疫情帶來的高度不確定性,也因此企業紛紛開始數位轉型,並尋找雲端解決方案,雲端服務的需求近年來有持續增長的趨勢,而雲端服務也提供企業更高的靈活性和應變能力,使其在市場上具有更高的競爭力。 隨著全球科技快速發展,包括物聯網(IoT)、智慧城市、人工智慧和機器學習等,雲端技術的應用越來越廣泛,在當今數位化時代,雲端運算已成為企業重要的科技基礎設施之一。Amazon Web Services、Microsoft Azure和Google Cloud作為全球領先的三大公有雲服務供應商,其競爭態勢和策略佈局差異牽動著台灣整體雲端產業以及雲端託管服務商(Managed Service Provider)的發展。 本研究旨在深入瞭解超大型雲端供應商的競爭策略,並比較其在台灣市場的發展差異,為台灣雲端產業的發展提供有價值的見解和建議。並透過文獻搜集、PESTLE分析模型、專家訪談和自身業內經驗等研究方法,頗析產業態勢和市場概況,並針對台灣雲端託管服務商提出參與原廠合作夥伴計畫、加強技術與提供增值服務等建議,以期幫助台灣之雲端託管服務商在全球市場中取得更好的競爭優勢。 In the current volatile international political situation, the development of industries and supply chains in various countries has been affected one after another. Enterprises are facing rapid changes in market demand and high uncertainty brought about by the pandemic. Consequently, many enterprises have started digital transformation and sought cloud solutions. The demand for cloud services has been continuously growing in recent years, and cloud services provide businesses with higher flexibility and adaptability, enhancing their competitiveness in the market. With the rapid global technological development, including the Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities, artificial intelligence and machine learning, the application of cloud technology has become increasingly widespread. In the current digital era, cloud computing has become an important technological infrastructure for businesses. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, as the world`s leading three public cloud service providers, have a significant impact on the development of Taiwan`s cloud industry due to their strategy and competitive marketing positions. This study aims to understand the competitive strategies of hyperscale cloud providers and compare their strategic differences in the Taiwan market, providing valuable insights and recommendations for cloud industry of Taiwan. Through research methods such as literature collection, PESTLE analysis model, expert interviews and industry experience, conclusions and recommendations are proposed to help cloud industry of Taiwan gain a better competitive advantage in the global market. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 110363098 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110363098 |
数据类型: | thesis |
显示于类别: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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