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Title: | 傳統媒體業者發展數位串流平台之研究-以迪士尼為例 A study on the development of digital streaming platform by traditional media- the case of Disney |
Authors: | 陳展眉 Chen, Chan-Mei |
Contributors: | 謝凱宇 Xie, Kai-Yu 陳展眉 Chen, Chan-Mei |
Keywords: | 迪士尼 數位轉型 串流平台 |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 13:36:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在串流平台產業已興起一段時間,現今已進入產業的成熟期,許多媒體業者或非媒體業者陸續加入該產業,本研究旨在探討傳統媒體業者發展數位串流平台的過程以及對於企業內外部之影響,並以全球知名媒體公司迪士尼作為個案研究對象。 研究中將探討迪士尼過往之併購事件對於發展串流平台之影響、發展數位串流平台之契機、發展串流後事業部與營收占比變化、商業模式的轉變以及對整體影視產業的影響。透過這個個案研究,我們可以深入瞭解迪士尼如何應對數位媒體時代的挑戰,並探討傳統媒體業者在發展數位串流平台的策略和影響,以供其他傳統媒體業者做為參考。 本研究之分析涵蓋迪士尼從2005年至2019年之收購案,並研究其收購對於後續發展串流平台之影響,亦透過搜集學術個案、公司財報、報章雜誌等次級資料,分析其發展串流平台的動機,以及對於公司內部財務、競爭者和整個媒體產業之影響。 根據本研究結果發現,迪士尼發展數位串流平台之競爭優勢來自於其一路以來所累積的品牌知名度以及收購之IP資產和串流技術公司,使其發展串流能闖出一片天地。然而,研究中也發現其長期位於串流產業將遇之困難以及對產業之影響,並根據該發現在最後給予建議。 The streaming platform industry has been thriving for a while, with both media and non-media companies entering the market. This study aims to analyze the development of digital streaming platforms by traditional media companies and their impact on internal and external aspects of the company. For this case study, Disney, a well-known media company, is chosen as the subject. This study explores the impact of Disney`s past acquisitions on the development of its streaming platforms, investigates the motivations behind Disney`s foray into the digital streaming market, examines the changes that occurred within the company after its entry, analyzes the evolution of its business model, and evaluates the impact on the film and television industry. The research objective is to gain insights into how Disney deals with the challenges of digital media and how it learns from other traditional media companies that have established their own streaming services. This study examines Disney`s acquisitions from 2005 to 2019 and the subsequent development of streaming platforms. Secondary data sources, such as academic cases, company financial reports, and media articles, are collected to analyze the reasons behind the establishment of these platforms as well as the effects of these platforms on the company`s financial situation, competitors, and the media industry as a whole. This study shows that Disney`s strength in developing digital streaming platforms comes from its strong brand and its acquisitions of intellectual properties and streaming technology companies. These factors have enabled Disney to establish a robust presence in the streaming market. Nevertheless, the research also reveals the long-term obstacles that Disney may face in the dynamic streaming industry. Based on these findings, the final section provides recommendations. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 110363087 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110363087 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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