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    Title: 全通路零售下的消費者期待與顧客體驗 — 以家樂福為例
    Consumer expectation and customer experience in omnichannel retailing – Taking Carrefour as an example
    Authors: 温晴
    Wun, Cing
    Contributors: 白佩玉
    Wun, Cing
    Keywords: 全通路零售
    Omnichannel retail
    Consumer journey
    Customer experience
    Seamless experience
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:33:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,消費者的購物動機及行為已轉變為對整體購物體驗的追求,並習慣於全通路進行消費,這使得台灣零售業面臨激烈競爭。許多零售商紛紛自建購物網站,使得顧客擁有更多選擇權,也引入會員制度以提高顧客黏著度。提供良好顧客體驗成為現今企業的關鍵焦點,企業需要深入了解全通路消費者的心理需求,分析消費者與企業服務接觸點的感受,並提供客製化的服務,甚至預測消費者未來的需求,以充分發揮全通路策略的潛力。
    In recent years, there has been a notable shift in consumer shopping motivations and behaviors, with a greater emphasis on seeking a seamless shopping experience and embracing omnichannel consumption. Consequently, this trend has resulted in fierce competition within the retail industry in Taiwan.
    Numerous retailers have set up e-commerce platforms, expanding the range of options available to customers and introducing membership programs to strengthen customer loyalty. Elevating the customer experience has emerged as a primary objective for businesses, necessitating a profound comprehension of the underlying requirements of omnichannel consumers. This involves analyzing their perceptions during interactions with the company’s services at various touchpoints and providing tailored services. Moreover, accurately anticipating future consumer needs is vital for harnessing the complete potential of omnichannel strategies.
    This study reveals that previous strategic concepts and academic arguments may not be directly applied to the current consumer demands in the omnichannel context. For instance, in light of the increasing popularity of online shopping, there were assertions that customers’ preferences had shifted away from physical stores, leading to suggestions that they should be entirely phased out. Likewise, in response to the emergence of the omnichannel concept, researchers and business leaders emphasized the importance of consistency as an objective. However, based on interactions with consumers and a comprehensive examination of recent scholarly literature, it is evident that consumers, regardless of whether they shop online or offline, seek solutions that go beyond a singular shopping channel or consistency in the shopping experience.
    Conversely, businesses should strive to strike a balance between physical and digital channels, leveraging the distinct characteristics of each channel and ensuring seamless transitions for consumers between different channels to achieve a cohesive and integrated experience. Additionally, emotional attachment has emerged as a pivotal factor in strengthening the connection between consumers and businesses. The relationship between these two entities has transcended mere transactional exchanges and evolved towards a more personalized and emotionally captivating shopping experience. This direction should be prioritized in the future advancement of businesses.
    Using Carrefour hypermarkets as the research context, this study aims to examine the impact of omnichannel strategies on consumer behavior. Specifically, the study conducted several in-depth interviews with Carrefour customers who have utilized both their physical and online channels. The primary objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of Carrefour’s current omnichannel strategy from the consumer’s viewpoint. By analyzing the findings obtained from the study, practical recommendations are presented to inform and direct future business operations and development.
    In sum, the insights gained from this study have significant implications for the retail industry, facilitating a deeper understanding of consumer expectations, optimizing omnichannel strategies, and ultimately delivering an enhanced shopping experience.
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