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    Title: 企業走向全通路之內部功能轉變:多重個案研究
    The Transition of Internal Functions of Enterprises Moving towards Omni-Channel: A Multiple-Case Study
    Authors: 蘇盈樺
    Su, Ying-Hwa
    Contributors: 羅明琇

    Lo, Ming-Shiow
    Pai, Pei-Yu

    Su, Ying-Hwa
    Keywords: 全通路
    Enterprise functions
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:33:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,零售產業在全球及台灣市場的重要程度日漸提升。在全球市場,Deloitte 於 2022 年公布,全球前 250 大零售企業營收成長創近五年新高;在台灣市場,根據經濟部近三年統計資料顯示,我國批發零售業佔整體國內生產毛額比重亦有逐年提升的趨勢,顯示出零售業為未來經濟發展之關鍵產業。
    本論文以台灣零售業作為主要研究產業,以零售產業中正走向全通路的個案 A、個案 B 與個案 C 作為主要研究對象,深入探討以下研究問題:
    1. 藉由文獻回顧,歸納出全通路企業應具備之條件。
    2. 探討個案公司在走向全通路後,如何落實全通路策略到內部各功能面。
    3. 綜合比較三間個案公司的全通路發展策略,提供意欲走向全通路之企業未來發展建議。
    本研究以半結構式訪談的方式進行深度訪談,經分析與整理,本研究建議,走向全通路之企業綜合考量其能力及資源,於內部功能面的規劃上可以加速導入自動化倉儲管理系統,並推出全新服務為實體店加值、推出自有手機 APP、強化顧客關係管理、制定跨通路的行銷策略、全方位與人資面向進行整合等,不僅可以提升顧客忠誠度、創造良好的購物體驗,也能讓全通路能發揮最大的價值。
    Recently, the importance of the retail industry in global and Taiwan markets has been increasing. In the global market, according to Deloitte`s report in 2022, the revenue growth of top 250 global retailers reached a five-year high. In Taiwan market, statistics from the Ministry of Economic Affairs over the past three years have shown a gradual increase in the proportion of wholesale and retail trade to the overall domestic gross production, indicating that retail industry is a key industry for future economic development.
    Several studies have indicated that omnichannel retailing is the future trend for retail businesses. With the widespread adoption of smart devices, consumers are increasingly seeking a seamless switch between all channels, viewing them as channels to receive the same information and products. Therefore, how enterprises integrate internal resources and implement their omnichannel strategies in practice becomes particularly important.
    This thesis focuses on retail industry in Taiwan and examines Case A, Case B, and Case C, which are the retail companies that are transitioning towards omnichannel. The following research questions are explored in depth:
    1. Through a literature review, identify the conditions that omnichannel enterprises should possess.
    2. Explore how the case companies implement their omnichannel strategies in various internal functional areas after transitioning towards omnichannel.
    3. Based on a comprehensive comparison of the omnichannel development levels of the three case companies, provide recommendations for companies intending to develop omnichannel strategies in the future.
    Through the literature review, this thesis establishes four key conditions that companies should meet when transitioning towards omnichannel: (1) Integrating internal resources and providing consistent information. (2) Enabling seamless switching between channels for consumers. (3) Focusing on the customer and providing organized and consistent shopping experiences and company values. (4) Establishing a stable logistics system.
    This thesis employs semi-structured interviews for in-depth discussions. Based on analysis and organization, this thesis provides recommendations. To achieve omnichannel capabilities, companies should consider accelerating the implementation of automated warehousing management systems, introducing new services to add value to physical stores, launching proprietary mobile apps, strengthening customer relationship management, formulating cross-channel marketing strategies, and integrating various aspects with the human resources department. These actions will not only enhance customer loyalty and create a positive shopping experience but also maximize the value of omnichannel.
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