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    Title: 影響者自創品牌行銷:探究影響者特質、產品適配度、從眾行為對消費者行為之影響
    Influencer-Owned Brand Marketing: Exploring the Effects of Influencer Characteristics, Product-Influencer Fit, and Conformity on Consumer Behavior
    Authors: 湯喬閔
    Tang, Chiao-Min
    Contributors: 陳冠儒
    Chen, Kuan-Ju
    Tang, Chiao-Min
    Keywords: 影響者行銷
    Influencer Marketing
    Influencer-owned Brand
    Influencer Attractiveness
    Product-influencer Fit
    Search Intention
    Purchase Intention
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:31:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究之目的為探討影響者在推出自創品牌時,其自身特質之吸引力、專業度、可靠性與同質性,對於消費者行為之搜尋意願和購買意願的影響,並了解自創品牌之產品適配度在此模型下是否存在中介效果。同時進一步探討從眾行為是否會調節影響者吸引力、專業度、可靠性與同質性,經由產品適配度對消費者搜尋意願與購買意願所產生的影響。研究方法以網路問卷進行調查,為增加研究結果概括性特別選定網路紅人與明星藝人作為目標影響者,並以虛擬香氛蠟燭自創品牌進行研究設計,共計回收 324 份有效問卷。

    The purposes of this study are to investigate the effects of influencers’ attractiveness, expertise, trustworthiness, and homophily on consumers` search intention and purchase intention when influencers create and launch their owned brands. Additionally, this study explores whether product-influencer fit plays a mediating role while conformity plays a moderating role in the process. This study adopts an online survey questionnaire with two representative influencers using a fictitious fragrance candle brand as the research design. A total of 324 valid responses were collected. The results revealed that product-influencer fit mediated the effects of influencers’ attractiveness, expertise, trustworthiness, and homophily on consumers` search intention and purchase intention, respectively. Furthermore, conformity moderated the relationships between influencers` attractiveness, expertise, trustworthiness, homophily, and consumers` search intention through product-influencer fit. These findings provide valuable suggestions for the development of influencers’ own brands and managing their human brands’ personality and images. The results also provide suggestions for brands and companies to select suitable influencers for collaboration when designing marketing strategies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110363017
    Data Type: thesis
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