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    Title: 探究微網紅品牌合作貼文中廣告訴求與促銷類型對行銷成效之影響:以耳機品牌為例
    Examing the Effects of Advertising Appeals and Sales Promotion Types of Micro-Influencers’ Branded Content: A Case Study of an Earphone Brand
    Authors: 王亭雅
    Wang, Ting-Ya
    Contributors: 陳冠儒
    Chen, Kuan-Ju
    Wang, Ting-Ya
    Keywords: 微網紅
    Advertising Appeals
    Sales Promotion Types
    Advertising Attitude
    Brand Attitude
    Product Search Intention
    Purchase Decision Involvement
    Consumer Benefits of Sales Promotion
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:30:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著社群媒體的興起,許多品牌將資源投入網紅行銷當中,特別是越來越多透過與微網紅合作的社群貼文廣告向目標客群傳遞品牌及產品相關的資訊。本研究以耳機品牌為例,探究微網紅品牌合作貼文中廣告訴求與促銷類型對行銷成效的影響,並探討購買決策涉入以及消費者知覺促銷利益是否在消費者態度、行為的形成過程中產生調節效果。研究採用2(廣告訴求:資訊性vs. 轉形性)× 2(促銷類型:金錢性vs. 非金錢性)的雙因子組間實驗設計,並針對18~34歲之Instagram使用者進行線上實驗問卷抽樣調查。研究發現,促銷類型對消費者的廣告態度、品牌態度及產品搜尋意願有顯著影響。其中,廣告訴求在經過購買決策涉入調節後,於轉形性訴求情境搭配高涉入程度時有較佳的廣告態度。最後,研究結果也證實消費者知覺促銷利益對促銷類型與本研究中衡量行銷成效之廣告態度、品牌態度、產品搜尋意願皆有顯著的調節效果。本研究釐清了不同廣告訴求與促銷類型搭配對消費者態度及行為產生的影響,研究結果為品牌的網紅行銷策略提供實務上的建議。
    With the rapid growth of social media users, many brands have increased their investment in influencer marketing, especially utilizing sponsored posts by micro-influencers to convey brand and product-related information to their target audience. As such, this study uses an earphone brand as a case to examine the effects of advertising appeals and sales promotion types in micro-influencers’ sponsored posts on consumer responses. It also explores whether purchase decision involvement and consumer benefits of sales promotion moderate consumer attitude and behavior formation. A 2 (advertising appeal: informational vs. transformational) × 2 (sales promotion type: monetary vs. non-monetary) between-subject experiment was adopted, with an online design targeting Instagram users aged 18 to 34. The study showed that promotion types significantly influenced consumers’ advertising attitude, brand attitude, and product search intention. However, only through the moderation of purchase decision involvement did transformational appeals bring out an enhanced advertising attitude for consumers with high involvement. Furthermore, the results validated the significant moderating effects of consumer benefits of sales promotion on the relationships between promotion types and the three dependent variables: advertising attitude, brand attitude, and product search intention. In conclusion, this study provides insights into the effects of different advertising appeals and sales promotion types on consumer attitude and behavior. The findings offer suggestions for brands when implementing influencer marketing strategies.
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