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Title: | 台灣菸害防制法修正案對紙菸公司競爭優勢之影響──以A個案公司為例 The Impact of the Amendments of Tobacco Hazards Prevention and Control Act (THPCA) in Taiwan on the Tobacco Company’s Competitive Advantages: A Case Study of Company A |
Authors: | 江宜 Chiang, I |
Contributors: | 黃國峯 傅浚映 Huang, Kuo-Feng Fu, Jyun-Ying 江宜 Chiang, I |
Keywords: | 菸害防制法 五力分析 資源基礎論 競爭優勢 THPCA Five Forces Analysis Resource-Based View Competitive Advantage |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 13:30:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 菸害防制法在睽違16年後再次修法,其中的修法要點主要針對近年興起之新興菸品,如:加熱菸、電子煙等給予管制的法源依據,使相關執法單位得以進行管制與限制。另一部分也針對目前紙菸的添加物、吸菸人口、販售地點、行銷手法、禁菸地點等諸多面向加以限制,使得台灣的紙菸市場面臨新的挑戰與變化,各家菸商也需要配合菸害防制法的修改,重新思考其的產品組合、品牌策略等,維持自身的競爭優勢與市場地位。
研究結果發現A公司能擁有持續競爭優勢來自於四項核心資源與能力:品牌、工廠、通路掌握力、及組織文化。這些資源不僅稀有,A公司更透過組織善加利用這些資源,使其產品不僅能貼近市場需求、降低成本,也在資源相互配合下使其他競爭對手難以模仿。而在菸害防制法新修法後,將使市場上出現新的品類—加熱菸,雖然此品類預計在短期內並不會威脅紙菸市場,但由於A公司在此類產品的優勢不像其在紙菸市場的強勢,故應該把握目前情勢仍不晴朗的時機加快研發進度。另一方面在行銷手法、銷售地點、產品組合受到限制下,建議個案公司將資源集中於主力品牌,在少數品牌中發展多元的產品線,一方面能利用其品牌力,另一方面也使品牌擁有應對未來法制變化的彈性。 The Tobacco Hazards Prevention and Control Act (THPCA) has been amended again after 16 years. The main points of the amendment are mainly aimed at the emerging smoking products that have emerged in recent years, such as Heat-not-burn (HNB) cigarettes and Vape products so that relevant law enforcement agencies can control and restrict them. The other part also restricts the additives of cigarettes, smoking population, sales locations, marketing methods, smoking-free locations, etc., which makes Taiwan`s cigarette market face new challenges and changes. To maintain their own competitive advantages and market position, Key tobacco manufacturers must rethink their product mixes and brand strategies.
The case study of this thesis, Company A, is the earliest international tobacco manufacturer to cultivate in the Taiwan market. Long-term investment and understanding of consumers have enabled them to maintain the number one market share in recent years and continue to push up its market share. However, there are few detailed discussions on this company in academic research, so this research hopes to explore why the case company performs well in the Taiwan market through the Resource-Based View (RBV). At the same time, because the market will face huge changes, the study will also use the SWOT matrix to examine the internal advantages and weaknesses of the company and predict the opportunities and weaknesses that will appear in the industry in response to changes in regulations, and then use the TOWS matrix to propose the company`s internal and external strategic direction of resource collocation for company A`s reference.
The results of the study found that Company A`s sustainable competitive advantage comes from four core resources and capabilities: brand, factory, channel mastery, and organizational culture. These resources are not only rare, but Company A makes good use of these resources throughout the organization so that it can not only create market demand and reduce costs but also make it difficult for other competitors to imitate. After the new revision of the THPCA, HNB will appear on the market. Although this category is not expected to threaten the cigarette market in the short term, Company A’s advantages in this type of product are not as good as other cigarettes. As a result, they should seize the opportunity when the current situation is still not clear to speed up the research and development progress. On the other hand, under the constraints of marketing methods, sales locations, and product mix, building brand awareness would be much more difficult. It is recommended that company A concentrate resources on major brands and develop diversified product lines among a few brands. Have the flexibility to respond to future legal changes. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 110363006 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110363006 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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