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Title: | 吸引力--真人影響者比虛擬影響者立於不敗之地的關鍵因素 Attractiveness - The key behind the success of human influencers over their virtual counterparts |
Authors: | 武明善 Vo, Minh-Thien |
Contributors: | 鄭濬浩 Prof. Chung, June-ho 武明善 Vo, Minh-Thien |
Keywords: | 社會媒體影響者 虛擬影響者 吸引力 消費者態度 社交媒體參與度 Social media influencers Virtual influencers Attractiveness Consumer attitude Social media engagement |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 13:15:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,社交媒體已經成為一個強大的溝通、信息傳播和影響者營銷平台。隨著 社交媒體影響者,包括真人和虛擬形象的不斷增多,審視他們對用戶參與度和態度的 影響變得至關重要。社交媒體影響者可以廣泛分為兩類:真人影響者,即具有大量追 隨者的真實個體;虛擬影響者,即設計成類似於人類實體的計算機生成角色。本研究 採用混合研究方法,結合對 70 個 Instagram 個人資料的數據分析和後續實驗研究,全 面分析了兩類影響者對社交媒體參與度和消費者態度的影響。在第一項研究中,與類 似的虛擬影響者相比,真人影響者的參與度明顯更高。第二項研究通過吸引力證實了 消費者對這兩類影響者的參與意圖和態度差異的機制。本研究為影響者營銷文獻做出 了貢獻,並向營銷從業者提供了在不斷演變的數字環境中吸引受眾和改善消費者態度 的最佳策略的信息。 In recent years, social media has emerged as a powerful platform for communication, information dissemination, and influencer marketing. With the proliferation of social media influencers, both human and virtual, it is crucial to examine their impact on user engagement and attitudes. Social media influencers can be broadly classified into two categories: human influencers, who are real individuals with a substantial following, and virtual influencers, who are computer-generated characters designed to appear as human-like entities. This study employs a mixed methodological approach, combining an analysis of the data scraped from 70 Instagram profiles and a follow-up a 2x1 between-subjects design experimental study, to comprehensively analyze the effects of two types of influencers on social media engagement and consumer attitudes. In study 1, human influencers were revealed to receive a significantly higher engagement rate than their virtual counterparts. Through a process of exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, independent t-tests, and PROCESS macro models 4, study 2 confirmed the mechanism behind the difference in the engagement intention the consumers have toward these two influencer types, and it was channeled through the influencers’ attractiveness. This research contributes to the influencer marketing literature and informs marketing practitioners about the best strategies to engage audiences and improve consumer attitudes in the evolving digital landscape. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 110351050 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110351050 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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