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    Title: 不同心態招募廣告訴求對求職者企業評價之影響
    The Impact of Different Mindset Recruitment Advertising Appeals on Job Seekers` Evaluation of Companies
    Authors: 梁豪任
    Liang, Hao-Jen
    Contributors: 邱志聖
    Liang, Hao-Jen
    Keywords: 新創企業
    Implicit theory
    Advertising appeal
    Corporate image
    Person-organization fit
    Job pursuit intention
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:11:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 全球資本市場進入緊縮階段,面對資金取得不易,相對資源豐富的大型企業,資源有限的新創企業將面臨人才招募上的艱困挑戰。而招募廣告是潛在求職者接觸企業的第一步,亦為企業吸引人才的主要方法。有別於一般給人競爭、保守印象的大型企業,新創企業因位處企業成長階段初期,自然形塑快速試誤、學習的形象,究竟不同型態的企業該展現何種招募廣告訴求,方能吸引更多人才加入組織,是台灣新創企業欲解決之重要課題。
    本研究在文獻回顧中探討求職者對招募企業衡量的因素,而實驗變數選擇類似於不同企業型態之形象的內隱理論心態,作為企業所採用的不同招募廣告訴求,觀察不同企業型態採用不同招募廣告訴求之交互作用對求職者評價的影響。因此,本研究透過2(大型企業、新創企業) x 2(定型心態、成長心態)之實驗設計,探討兩項變數對於求職者的評價之影響,其中包含求職者認知的企業形象、個人組織認知配適,以及求職意圖,期望能為國內新創企業未來面臨人才吸引、招募挑戰時,能夠提供有效之人才招募策略。
    The deflation of the global capital market makes it difficult for companies to raise funds. Unlike large companies that have abundant resources, small startups with limited resources will face challenges in recruiting talent. Recruitment advertisements not only serve as the first step for potential job seekers to learn about companies but also become a primary method for companies to attract talent. In contrast to large companies, which are often perceived as competitive and conservative, startups build their image as agile and learning-oriented in the early stages of growth. It is a critical issue for Taiwanese startups to determine what kind of recruitment advertising appeals can attract more talent to join.
    In this study, we explore several factors that job seekers consider when evaluating recruiting companies based on the literature review. The implicit theory mindset, which is similar to the image of companies, represents the different advertising appeals used by companies. Therefore, this study uses a 2 (large companies, startups) x 2 (fixed mindset, growth mindset) experimental design to investigate the impact of these two variables on job seekers` evaluations, including perceived corporate image, person-organization fit, and job pursuit intentions. The aim is to provide effective recruitment strategies for domestic startups when facing challenges in recruiting talent in the future.
    Ultimately, this study partially validates the hypotheses through inference: the interaction between different types of companies and different advertising appeals affects job seekers` evaluations. For startups, there is no significant difference in job seekers` perceived corporate image between using the two types of advertising appeals. However, when using a growth mindset advertising appeal, job seekers` pursuit intentions are significantly higher than when using a fixed mindset advertising appeal. For large companies, when using a growth mindset advertising appeal, job seekers` perceived corporate image is significantly higher than when using a fixed mindset advertising appeal. However, there is no significant difference in job seekers` pursuit intention between using the two types of advertising appeals. Additionally, regardless of whether it is startups or large companies, using a growth mindset advertising appeal leads to significantly higher person-organization fit than using a fixed mindset advertising appeal.
    Reference: 中文部分
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