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Title: | 紙本閱讀與數位閱讀之研究趨勢分析 Research trend analysis of paper reading and digital reading |
Authors: | 徐紹瑀 Hsu, Shao-Yu |
Contributors: | 李沛錞 Lee, Pei-Chun 徐紹瑀 Hsu, Shao-Yu |
Keywords: | 紙本閱讀 數位閱讀 Paper Reading Digital Reading |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 13:07:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究之研究目的為探討及分析紙本閱讀與數位閱讀之間的研究趨勢以及差異,並了解不同的閱讀媒介對閱讀行為、閱讀偏好、閱讀理解的影響為何。為達研究目的,本研究採用系統性文獻綜述方法進行文獻統整、分析與歸納。本研究主要研究結果如下: 一、紙本閱讀與數位閱讀在研究發展主題上,多以家庭教育、學校教育或教育政策等方面為主。 二、紙本閱讀的研究對象多以小學生為主;數位閱讀的研究對象則更加廣泛。 三、對於提升紙本閱讀理解能力,家庭與學校教學所扮演的角色尤為重要。 四、紙本閱讀能力與ICT技能越好,數位閱讀能力越好。 五、較缺乏家庭對數位閱讀引導之研究 六、較缺乏針對數位閱讀教學法之研究 七、紙本閱讀與數位閱讀的閱讀沉浸感有所差異 最後,根據本研究之結果提供相關建議,作為未來圖書資訊學與教育領域在閱讀研究上之參考。 The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze the research trends and differences between paper reading and digital reading, and to understand the impact of different reading media on reading behavior, reading preference, and reading comprehension. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, this study uses a systematic literature review to integrate, analyze and summarize the literature. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1. The research and development topics of paper reading and digital reading are mostly family education, school education or education policy. 2. The research on paper reading primarily targets elementary school students, while the research on digital reading covers a wider range of subjects. 3. Both family and school education play important roles in enhancing paper reading comprehension. 4. The better the paper reading ability and ICT skills, the better the digital reading ability. 5. There is a lack of parental guidance for digital reading. 6. There is a lack of specific reading instructional methods for digital reading. 7. There are differences in the sense of immersion between print reading and digital reading. Finally, based on the results of this study, relevant suggestions are provided as a reference for future reading research in the field of library information science and education. |
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