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Title: | 藉區域保障機制贏回性少數正義:美洲人權法院Vicky Hernandez et al. v. Honduras之個案研究 Bringing Justice Home for Sexual Minorities through Regional Protection Mechanism: A case Study of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights` Judgment of Vicky Hernandez et al., v. Honduras |
Authors: | 洛景鐸 Lopez, Victor Hugo |
Contributors: | 翁燕菁 Weng, Vivianne Y.-C. 洛景鐸 Victor Hugo Lopez |
Keywords: | 迴力模式 區域保機制 美洲人權法 異性戀規範 LGBTIQ LGBTIQ Boomerang Pattern Model Regional Protection Mechanism Inter-American Court of Human Rights Heteronormativity |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 12:57:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 迴力鏢模式理論解釋何以民間社會尋求國際層級的支持,以便得以於求變之國內動員中獲得賦能。本論文藉由迴力鏢理論,檢視美洲人權法院就跨性別權利之里程碑裁判前後之歷程。宏都拉斯LGBTIQ社群將正義帶回家鄉的動員路上,2021年的Vicky Hernández et al. v. Honduras判決是重要的一步。然而,即使於區域層級獲得勝利,國內卻未見預期的改變或進步。依據國家遵從國際義務理論的綜整,本文主張,宏都拉斯未能有效履行這項判決衍生的義務,原因在於其嬴弱之國家體制以及威權甚或父權之制度。即使宏都拉斯具有物質面與社會面之脆弱性,仍然抗拒任何實質改變以遵從其國際義務。宏都拉斯的制度缺陷構成履行國際義務的主要障礙,跨性別女性的謀殺案格外具有故事性。
本論文自圍繞著迴力鏢路徑之理論框架與辯論著手文獻回顧,探討國家遵從國際規範之模式。次就個案研究,本文描繪宏都拉斯LGBTIQ成員之處境,並藉重性別研究之關鍵概念解釋宏都拉斯制度內之權力關係。於此訴訟前篇章後,本文挖掘美洲人權委員會及美洲人權法院之決定與認定,藉以確認本案於區域層級上所得出之結論,顯示LGBTIQ跨國網絡協作於區域層級上的成功。然而,自有限的官方出版與媒體報導,本案之後續追蹤管考並未揭示任何改變的正面跡象。透過與國會議員及地方人權工作者的訪談,本文最終確認迴力鏢效應並未於宏都拉斯發生。最終,本文嘗試識別宏都拉斯未能履行裁判結果並遵守其國際義務的原因。在五項國家遵從理論的限制性條件檢視下,本文主張,一個合理的國家體制搭配有運作效能之制度,應為國家遵從國際義務不可或缺之要件,特別是當社會中父權仍然強勢時。 The boomerang effect theory explains how civil society seeks support at the international level that enable their domestic mobilization for change. This thesis examines the process before and after a landmark decision on transgender rights of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) through the boomerang framework. The 2021 judgment of Vicky Hernández et al., v. Honduras is an important step for the Honduran LGBTIQ community to bring justice home. However, even with this victory at the regional level, expected change or progress can hardly be identified or confirmed at the domestic level. Based on a synthesis of compliance theories, I argue that Honduras’s failure in implementing this judgment effectively is due to its weak statehood and authoritarian, or even patriarchal, institutions. Despite its material and social vulnerabilities, Honduras still resists any significant change to comply with its international obligations. The case of a transwoman’s murder is particularly storytelling regarding the Honduran institutional deficiencies which constitute principle barriers to compliance. In this thesis, I started with a literature review on theoretical frameworks and debates around boomerang pattern for States’ compliance with international norms. For my case study, I describe the situation of LGBTIQ members in Honduras with the support of key concepts in gender studies to explain the power relationship within the Honduran institutions. Following the pre-litigation chapter, I explore the decisions and findings of both Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and IACtHR to confirm that the conclusion of this case at the regional level is a success for LGBTIQ transnational networking. Nevertheless, based on a limited number of official publications and media reports, the follow-up of this judgment does not reveal any positive sign for change. Through interviews with a Congress member and local human rights activists, I can finally confirm that the boomerang effect did not take place back in Honduras. In the end, I try to identify the reasons why Honduras fails to implement this judgment and respect its international obligations. Under the five scope conditions in compliance theory, a reasonable statehood with functional institutions should be indispensable for compliance, especially when patriarchy remains strong in society. |
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