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    Title: 2022年俄烏戰爭對台灣的啟示
    The Implications of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine Conflict for Taiwan
    Authors: 葉大偉
    Eguigure, David Tawisti Herrera
    Contributors: 朱琇妍
    David Tawisti Herrera Eguigure
    Keywords: 台灣
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 12:56:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文分析了 2022 年俄羅斯與烏克蘭的衝突,並權衡了台灣與中國大陸緊張局勢加劇的影響。 通過分析歐盟的行動、制裁以及2022年俄烏衝突的發展,得出的結論是,在最有可能封鎖的情況下,台灣最好的出路就是囤積各種物資。 鑑於戰爭的不可預測性,物資儲備將確保台灣能夠承受長期衝突。 最後,可能發生的衝突的結果將取決於國際社會的及時行動。
    This paper analyses the 2022 Russia-Ukraine Conflict and weighs the implications for Taiwan regarding rising tensions with China. Through the analysis of actions taken by the European Union, sanctions and the developments of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine Conflict it is concluded that, in the case of most likely blockade, the best route for Taiwan is to stockpile supplies of all kinds. Given the unpredictable nature of war, the stockpiling of supplies will ensure Taiwan’s enduring a prolonged conflict. Finally, the result of a possible conflict will be determined by the timely actions of the international community.
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