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    题名: 中國對外援助政策與發展中國家的環境治理
    China’s Foreign Aid Policy and Environmental Governance in Developing Countries
    作者: 徐靖淳
    贡献者: 蘇彥斌
    Su, Yen-Pin
    关键词: 中國
    Foreign aid
    Environmental governance
    Regulatory quality
    Developing countries
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2023-07-06 17:06:08 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 環境治理在國際政治經濟學中一直廣受重視的研究議題,過往研究討論這個議題多圍繞於一國的國內因素進行討論,例如政治體制、經濟發展、是否具有自然資源稟賦等面向。近年來,開始有研究關注中國對外援助政策與發展中國家環境治理之間的關係,然而這些研究大多為小樣本的實證研究。與先前研究不同,本論文採取混合研究法,針對中國援助政策對發展中國家環境治理的影響進行系統性探究。本研究的實證分析有以下發現:一、中國對外援助對於受援國的環境治理具有負向的效果;二、受援國國內的監管品質,對於中國對外援助與受援國環境治理的關係具有部分中介的效果。除了量化分析外,本研究進一步採用過程追溯法針對迦納的布維大壩進行案例研究,以展現中國援外政策如何影響受援國環境治理的理論機制。綜合而言,本論文對於中國援外政策的相關研究領域提供了實證分析的貢獻,也對於發展中國家的環境治理議題具有若干政策意涵。
    Previous studies that explains different performances of environmental governance have primarily focused on the impacts of domestic factors. In recent years, there has been an increasing body of research examining the relationship between China’s foreign aid policies and environmental governance in developing countries. However, most of these studies adopt a small-N research design, and their empirical findings are largely inconsistent. Unlike previous studies, this thesis adopts a mixed-methods approach to systematically investigate the effects of China’s foreign aid on environmental governance in developing countries. The empirical analyses suggest that China’s foreign aid has a negative impact on the environmental governance of recipient countries. Moreover, the findings indicate that the effects of China’s foreign aid on the environmental governance in the recipient country are partially mediated by the regulatory quality of the recipient country. In addition to the quantitative analyses, this thesis conducts a case study of the Bui Dam in Ghana, utilizing a process-tracing method to further elucidate the theoretical mechanism by which China’s aid affects the receipient country’s environmental governance. Overall, this thesis makes an empirical contribution to the exising literature on China’s foreign aid, and it also provides important policy implications for the issues of environmental governance in developing countries.
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