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    題名: 教師社會情緒學習教學能力指標建構之研究
    A Study on Construction of Indicators of Teacher`s Teaching Ability in Social and Emotional Learning
    作者: 郭攸嵐
    Kuo, Yu-Lan
    貢獻者: 郭昭佑
    Guo, Chao-Yu
    Kuo, Yu-Lan
    關鍵詞: 社會情緒學習
    Social and Emotional Learning
    Fuzzy Delphi Method
    Indicator Construction
    日期: 2023
    上傳時間: 2023-07-06 17:05:00 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究旨在建立教師社會情緒學習教學能力之指標架構,以期能提供學校或教育主管機關擬定與推廣社會情緒學習政策之參考。主要研究方法為文獻探討後進行指標之初擬與適切性篩選,再以模糊德懷術問卷調查法,收集12位熟悉社會情緒學習領域的專家學者、教師與學校主管的意見,經統計與分析後,建構出教師社會情緒學習教學能力指標,並了解各指標之重要性程度。本研究之結果與分析如下:

    The aim of this study is to establish a framework of indicators for teachers` social and emotional learning teaching competencies, in order to provide a reference for schools or education authorities to develop and promote social and emotional learning policies. The main research method involved initial proposal and appropriate screening of indicators after literature review, followed by the use of the fuzzy Delphi method questionnaire to collect opinions from 12 scholars, teachers and school administrators familiar with the field of social and emotional learning. After statistical analysis, the indicators for teachers` social and emotional learning teaching competencies were constructed, and the degree of importance of each indicator was understood. The results and analysis of this study are presented below.

    1.The teaching competencies of teachers` social-emotional learning are divided into two levels of "dimensions-indicators", including five dimensions and thirty-two indicators.
    2.Among the five dimensions of teaching competencies in teachers` social-emotional learning, the importance is ranked in descending order as "teaching ability of social awareness", "teaching ability of self-awareness", "teaching ability of relationship skills", "teaching ability of self-management", and "teaching ability of responsible decision-making".
    3.Among the five dimensions of a teacher`s social emotional learning teaching ability, the most important indicators of each dimension are "helping students recognize their own emotions," "teaching students to regulate their own emotions," "allowing students to practice listening and identifying the feelings and thoughts of others," "cultivating students` positive and effective communication skills," and "guiding students to evaluate problems and make responsible decisions".
    4.Among the 32 indicators of a teacher`s social emotional learning teaching ability, the top three important indicators include "cultivating students` positive and effective communication skills", "encouraging students to engage in positive and active interaction and communication", and "teaching students to regulate their own emotions".
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