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    Title: 探討老化自我覺知、疾病認知及負向情緒與疾病適應結果之關係-以老年膝骨關節炎病人為例
    Exploring the Relationships among Self-perception of Aging, Illness Perception, Negative Emotion and Illness Adaption - Taking Elderly Knee Osteoarthritis Patients for Example
    Authors: 邱泓達
    Chiu, Hung-Ta
    Contributors: 吳治勳
    Chiu, Hung-Ta
    Keywords: 膝骨關節炎
    Self-perception of aging
    Illness perception
    Negative emotion
    Illness adaptation
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:58:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究背景:年長者如何同時經驗「老化」與「疾病」這兩個歷程,將影響其情緒與疾病適應。本研究以膝骨關節炎病人作為研究對象,探討老化自我覺知、疾病認知、及負向情緒對疾病適應之影響。



    Background: When the elderly faced “aging” and “illness” at the same time, their subjective experience of the two process would influence their emotion and illness adaptation. This study chose patients with knee osteoarthritis(KOA) as research subject to explore the influence of self-perception of aging, illness perception, and negative emotions on illness adaptation.

    Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study. Participants in this study were patients with KOA in the department of family medicine of a medical center in north Taiwan. They filled out “the Revision of the Pain Assessment Scale Taiwan”, “the Taiwan Version of International Physical Acticity Questionnarie - Short Form”, “the Breif Illness Perception Questionnaire”, “the Taiwan Attitude toward Aging Questionnaire”, “World Health Organization Qulity of Life - BREF”, “the Beck’s Anxiety Inventory”, and “the Beck Depression Inventory II”. This study use path analysis to test the relationship among self-perception of aging, illness perception, and engative emotions and explore the mediation effect of illness perceptionin study 1. In study 2, path analysis was used to test the relatoinship among self-perception, illness perception, negative emotions, and quality of life(physiological, psychological, environmental, and social domain) and explore the mediation effect of negative emotions. Furthermore, this study divided all participants into two groups by 65 ages, and multi-group path analysis was used to test the moderate effect of age between the older group and the younger group.

    Results: A total of 66 patients with KOA were include in this study. Path analysis in study 1 shows the following results: “Negative self-perception of aging” could positive predict “anxiety level” in all illness perception model, and could positive predict “depression level” in “personal control” and “comprehension” model; “Positive self-perception of aging” could negative predict “consequences” and “emotional representation”; There is no significant indirect effect in study 1. Path analysis in study 2 shows the following results: “Positive self-perception of aging” could positive predict “psychological quality of life”, “environmental quality of life”, and “social quality of life” in all illness perception model; “Negative self-perception of aging” could negative predict “physiological quality of life” in “consequense”, “timeline”, “personal control”, “identity” and “emtional representation” model; “Positive self-perception of aging” has positive and significant indirect effect on “physiological quality of life” and “physical activity in the past week” via “consequence”. In addition, “Positive self-perception of aging” has negative and significant indirect effect on “recent pain severity” via “consequence”. These three significant indirect effect are complete mediation. There are some phenomena that patients with KOA could be observed negative emotions affect their adaptation in clinical situation, so this study added study 3 to test the relationship among ”self-perception of aging”, “negative emotions”, and “illness adaptation”. Path analysis in study 3 shows the following results: “Negative self-perception of aging” could positive predict “anxiety level”; “Positive self-perception of aging” could positive predict all dimension of quality of life; “Negative self-preception of aging” has negative and significant indirect effect on “physiological quality of life”, “psychological quality of life”, and “environmental quality of life” via “negative emotions”. In addition, “Negative self-preception of aging” has positive and significant indirect effect on “recent pain severity” via “negative emotions”. The multi-group path analysis shows the following results:In study 2, “Consequence” could negative predict “physiological quality of life”, “environmental quality of life”, and “social quality of life” in the younger group, which means there is moderate effect by age. In study 3, “Positive self-perception of aging” and ”depression” could separately predict different domain of “illness perception” in the older group. In the younger group, “negative self-perception of aging” could positively predict “negative emotions”, and “anxiety level” could negatively predict “physiological quality of life” and “psychological quality of life”. However, there are no moderate effect in study 3.

    Discussion: In couclusion, self-perception of aging would affect illness adaptation of patients with KOA through illness perceptin(especially consequence) or negative emotions. Based on the multi-group path analysis, it could be known that ‘aging’ and “illness” may have different influence on the patients with KOA in different age group. In the younger group, “illness” could directly affect illness adaptation, and “aging” could affect illness adaptation via negative emotions. On the other hand, “aging” may directly affect illness adaptation in the older group. this study expands the understanding of the adapational process of patients with KOA in Taiwan, looking forward to helping patients with KOA with better illness adaptation. Furthemore, this study could provide a potential psychological process which influence the elderly’s illness or life adaptation.
    Reference: 行政院主計總處(2021年12月6日):〈國情統計通報(第231號)109年65歲以上高齡者健保費用占39.8%〉。2022年8月23日取自:https://www.stat.gov.tw/News.aspx?n=2661&sms=11020&_CSN=0&page=12&PageSize=20
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